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Python Interview

Python Interview

15 of 30 Completed


As we said in the first section of this course, a major benefit of using Python for data science in comparison to other programming languages is the availability of a large number of useful packages that are distributed under a free license. There are a few packages in particular that have become so synonymous with Python, they might as well be included alongside the default packages. In fact, Anaconda, a popular distribution of data science packages in one installation, includes all of the packages we will talk about in this section. These packages are:

  • numpy, for linear algebra and matrix operations.
  • scipy, for computational calculus and statistics.
  • matplotlib, for graphical displays
  • pandas, for storage and wrangling of data
  • scikit-learn (aliased as sklearn), for shallow machine learning models

All of these packages could cover a book on their own, but we will try to give a broad overview of each of them.

Good job, keep it up!



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