10+ PayPal Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

10+ PayPal Data Analyst Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


PayPal handled 22.3 billion transactions, totaling $1.36 trillion, in 2022 alone. This volume translates to a mountain of data that has to be analyzed by the company’s analysts in order to track emerging trends, monitor performance, and prevent fraud.

PayPal is an attractive destination for many data analysts due to its high profile and strong compensation packages, but the lengthy and challenging interview process demands skill and preparation. This guide can be an excellent resource if you wish to improve on both.

We have compiled some PayPal Data Analyst interview questions you might be asked to give you an idea of what to expect. We have also included details of their interview process, with tips from other Interview Query members and former employees, to help you prepare for your interview at PayPal.

PayPal Data Analyst Interview Process

PayPal’s interview process for a Data Analyst position can take as long as two months for successful candidates. The process will usually comprise an online assessment followed by three to four interview rounds.

This process is expounded on below:


Candidates can be contacted by recruiters or referred to PayPal by existing employees. You can also apply for an open Data Analyst position through the company’s career page.

Online Assessment

Online assessments are the first screening round. Applicants are asked to complete problems in fields such as probability, Python programming, and SQL within a specified amount of time.

Behavioral Interview

Questions to determine your personality and how well you’d fit in with the company culture at PayPal are asked during this round. This interview may come before or after the technical round. For some candidates, the two interviews will be conducted on the same day.

Technical Interview

You should expect one or more technical interviews during the Data Analyst interview process at PayPal. This interview round covers areas such as SQL, guestimation, probability, and programming.

Final Interview

This final interview will be with either HR or some other manager at PayPal. The questions asked during this round focus on personality and establishing if you’ll be a good fit for the company culture.

PayPal Data Analyst Interview Questions

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Interviewers at PayPal may ask this question to understand how your long-term career goals align with the company’s values and objectives for the Data Analyst position.

How to Answer

Consider what position and skills you’d like to have in five years, and the types of projects and responsibilities you’d like to be taking on at that point. Structure your answer to make connections between your career goals, the company, and the Data Analyst position.


“In five years, I see myself working in a senior Data Analyst position, leading several analytics projects that impact one or more key markets PayPal operates in. I’ve heard the company provides opportunities to work on different teams, and I believe this will allow me to test and improve my analytics skills on a wider range of problem areas before focusing on one key specialization.”

2. What is the probability of a coin coming up heads on the 11th toss if the first ten tosses all came up heads?

This question tests your familiarity with probability theory. Knowledge of calculating probabilities is a necessity for any Data Analyst at PayPal.

How to Answer

This type of question has a straightforward answer, but it is important to explain the conditions that make the answer correct and what assumptions you’ve made when answering the question. The oddity of the number of heads also opens the door for further questioning of some of the usual assumptions about coins (and their unbiased nature).


“Each coin toss is an independent event that is not affected by previous outcomes. Assuming the coin is unbiased, the probability of getting heads on the 11th toss will still be ½. The chance of getting ten heads in a row already is very unlikely however, and may warrant an investigation of the coin for potential tampering.”

3. Talk about an analytics project you have done in the past.

Your response to this question can give a clearer picture of your work experience. Interviewers will be looking to gauge your technical skills, project management approach, and work style to see how well they suit the Data Analyst position at PayPal.

How to Answer

Pick a project where you can demonstrate relevant skills, ability to cope with unexpected challenges, and ability to lead. Employ the STAR technique to show how you turned a challenging project into a success with quantifiable results.


“I was tasked with determining why a product wasn’t selling in two neighborhoods. I noticed that neighborhoods near the two were performing well above average. I tested a hypothesis that sales in the two locations were being cannibalized by stores in other locations. The analysis backed this hypothesis and the company changed its distribution strategy, resulting in consistent sales numbers across all locations.”

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This question can be used to assess your abilities, personality, and level of self-awareness. It helps interviewers determine if you have the qualities they expect for the Data Analyst position at PayPal.

How to Answer

Prioritize the qualities you have that align best with the Data Analyst role at PayPal. State your strength and back it with a story to give it context. Be honest about your weakness, but pick one that allows you to demonstrate your capacity to learn and improve.


“I am an innovative person and teammates turn to me when they need ideas they haven’t considered. One of our teams was stuck on a problem and I realized the problem was avoidable if they started from scratch using a different approach.”

My main weakness is that I don’t have confidence in my leadership skills, but I’ve made an effort to take on more leadership roles and judge my performance based on the numbers.”

5. If I draw two cards from a standard deck, what is the probability both are not aces?

This question tests your knowledge of calculating the probabilities of dependent events. Certain tasks handled by Data Analysts at PayPal may require the application of this knowledge.

How to Answer

Use your knowledge of dependent events and card decks to calculate the probability of not drawing two aces consecutively.


“A deck of cards has 52 cards and four aces. The probability of the first card not being an ace is 4852 and the probability of the second card not being an ace is 4751. The result of multiplying the two probabilities is 188221, or 85.07%.”

6. How many years will it take a $10,000 investment to yield $2,100 at an annual compound interest rate of 10%?

PayPal’s interviewers may want to test their Data Analysts’ mathematical skills in investment-related matters, as it is in line with some of the services they offer in certain markets.

How to Answer

Apply your knowledge of compound interest to calculate the time it takes to get $2,100 when you invest $10,000


“When these values are placed in the compound interest formula with a compounding period of annual, the answer is 2 years. This can be proven by considering that 10%of $10,000 is $1,000 (year 1) and 10% of $11,000 is $1,100 (year 2). The two add up to $2,100.”

7. How do you prioritize tasks at work?

Interviewers will want to gain an insight into how you manage your time and workload. This is crucial for a Data Analyst at PayPal, where certain tasks have strict timelines.

How to Answer

Discuss how you plan your tasks for any given day, keeping track of changing priorities, and communicating with team members about the same. Additionally, talk about how you ensure you have a good work-life balance particularly when things are busy at work.


“At the start of the day, I have my list of tasks and their delivery times. I use my experience to determine how long each task will take to complete. During the day, I use a checklist to keep track of which tasks are done. I try to complete tasks long before deadlines to make room for unexpected changes, and also check with teammates on the same project to ensure we’re all on track. This approach means I rarely have to work overtime.”

8. How would you check if a transaction is fraudulent?

This question tests your ability to recognize trends and inconsistencies in data sets. Fraud is a major concern for PayPal and a major reason why they need data analysts.

How to Answer

Explain your methods for analyzing data sets and how you identify trends and outliers. Where possible, use examples that showcase your attention to detail and analytical skills.


“I could use a clustering algorithm to check how similar the transaction was to past fraudulent transactions, using variables such as location, users, transaction amounts, and type of purchase. Users could be asked to provide additional identifying information and an explanation for the transaction, or the transaction could be paused until further verification was completed.”

9. Why do you want to become a Data Analyst?

The interviewers at PayPal may ask this question to determine the motivations behind your interest in the Data Analyst position. This can help them determine how well you’d fit in at the company and which responsibilities you would enjoy tackling the most.

How to Answer

Give an honest answer that shows interviewers your passion for data analytics. Highlight the aspects of analytics that excite you the most, the technologies you like to use, and that you understand the role data analytics plays in a company like PayPal.


“I like the story that data can tell about a company, and why it’s performing the way it is. I especially like identifying correlations between datasets that were assumed to be unrelated, especially when these correlations offer insights that enable bold moves. This is why I spend a lot of my time going through datasets with different approaches and machine-learning models.”

10. What are the best methods for data cleaning?

Cleaning data is an essential part of a data analyst’s job and the recruiters at PayPal will want to check if you know how this task is handled to ensure the data used is reliable.

How to Answer

Explain the different objectives for cleaning data and which methods you would use to ensure these objectives are met.


“Data cleaning helps to make machine learning models more accurate by eliminating inconsistent, erroneous, duplicated, and irrelevant data. Filtering missing values, deleting or replacing outliers, and converting data types are cleaning methods I employ regularly.”

11. What would be a reason why we would create partner cards?

Partnerships between establishments like restaurants and financial institutions or fintech companies are common. The interviewer will look at your ability to analyze customer spending data and identify viable business opportunities for potential partnerships.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by explaining the importance of understanding customer spending habits and identifying patterns in the data. Then, describe the process of segmenting customers based on their spending behavior and preferences. Finally, highlight the significance of collaborating with partners whose products or services align with these identified patterns to create a mutually beneficial partnership.


“To determine the next partner card, I would first analyze our customer spending data to identify significant patterns and trends. This involves segmenting customers based on their spending habits, such as frequent purchases in specific categories like dining, travel, or retail. By understanding these segments, we can identify which categories have the highest spending and potential for growth. Collaborating with a partner in these high-spending categories would be advantageous, as it aligns with our customer’s preferences and enhances the value proposition of the card. For instance, if a large segment of our customers frequently spends on travel, partnering with an airline or hotel chain could attract more users and drive card usage.”

12. How would you write a query to forecast the budget for all projects and label them “over budget” and “within budget” accordingly?

This question is designed to test your understanding of SQL queries, specifically your ability to forecast project budgets and determine whether they are over budget or within budget based on employee salaries and project duration. The interviewer aims to evaluate your skills in SQL joins, aggregations, and conditional logic.

How to Answer

To answer this question, you need to write an SQL query that joins multiple tables to calculate the total salaries of employees working on each project, prorated to the project’s duration. You will then compare the prorated salaries to the project’s budget to determine if it is over budget or within budget. Use a CASE statement to label the projects accordingly.


Here’s how I would structure my SQL query to label the following project as over budget or within budget:

        WHEN CAST(project_days AS DECIMAL)/365 * total_salary > budget 
        THEN 'overbudget' 
        ELSE 'within budget' 
    END AS project_forecast
        DATEDIFF(end_date, start_date) AS project_days,
        SUM(COALESCE(salary, 0)) AS total_salary
    FROM projects AS p
    LEFT JOIN employee_projects AS ep ON p.id = ep.project_id
    LEFT JOIN employees AS e ON e.id = ep.employee_id
    GROUP BY title, project_days, budget
) AS temp;

How to Prepare for a Data Analyst Role At PayPal

Your interview experience could be vastly different if you take some time to make the right preparations. The steps below are some of the ways you can turn the odds in your favor.

Try as Many Practice Questions as Possible

Take on as many practice questions as you can and try to understand both the question and why interviewers may ask the question. The latter is important because it helps you to frame your answer appropriately.

Interview Query provides access to questions on probability, SQL, Python, etc., that can be asked during your Data Analyst interview at PayPal.

Practice Answering Questions Using Mock Interviews

Mock interviews offer an excellent opportunity to practice the soft skills that make you stand out during interviews. Mock interviews can be especially helpful for candidates with limited interview experience who may be overwhelmed by the moment.

You can sign up for a mock interview session on Interview Query to get an idea of what it’s like to be interviewed for the Data Analyst role at PayPal.

Know the Company and the Job Description

It is crucial to do in-depth research on PayPal and the specific duties you’ll be undertaking as a data analyst. This can give you answers to questions or ideas on how to tailor your answers and demonstrate your suitability for both the company and the role.

You can also take advantage of Interview Query’s coaching services where experts can show you how to align your responses to a company and role before your next interview.

Ensure the Tech is Ready

According to PayPal, the company is currently interviewing virtually. This means you should confirm your hardware and software are running correctly beforehand to ensure you have a good interview experience.

You can talk to professionals with lots of experience with virtual interviews on Interview Query’s Slack community. They can give you some idea of what to expect in such interviews, pitfalls you should avoid, or just some encouragement before your big day.


Check out our main PayPal interview guide to learn more about the experience of interviewing for any role at the company. We also have other guides targeting specific roles at PayPal including software engineering and data science roles.

The Data Analyst position has become a pivotal one at many companies, and we at Interview Query hope this guide and other resources we offer can be the secret sauce you need to land this role at PayPal.

You can also visit our blog to find out about emerging issues in the data analytics world, and we hope your next interview will be your best one yet.