Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst SalaryThermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salary


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $63K
Max: $92K
Base Salary
Median: $72K
Mean (Average): $74K
Data points: 9
Max: $11K
Total Compensation
Median: $11K
Mean (Average): $11K
Data points: 1

Normalized Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salaries

Average total compensation
0% - Low
Cost of living
0% - Low
Years of experience
0% - Low

The average base salary for Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific is in the top 12% compared to all other companies salaries.

The average base salary for Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific is $74,070 while the average Growth Marketing Analyst base salary is $82,646.

If we normalize the salaries at Thermo Fisher Scientific by the cost of living, then the average base salary for Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific is in the top 3% compared to all other companies.

If we normalize the salaries at Thermo Fisher Scientific by the years of experience, then the average base salary for Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific is in the top 6% compared to all other companies.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salary by Seniority Levels

Median: $100K
Mean (Average): $100K
Data points: 1
Median: $64K
Mean (Average): $64K
Data points: 2
Median: $72K
Mean (Average): $73K
Data points: 6

Seniority can increase the pay of a Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Here are the base salaries of a Growth Marketing Analyst at Thermo Fisher Scientific grouped into 3 seniority categories.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salary Compared to other Positions

Product Manager*
Product Manager
Median: $125K
Mean (Average): $125K
Data points: 2
Data Scientist
Median: $108K
Mean (Average): $118K
Data points: 5
Software Engineer
Median: $92K
Mean (Average): $98K
Data points: 212
Business Analyst
Median: $97K
Mean (Average): $98K
Data points: 54
Data Engineer
Median: $95K
Mean (Average): $90K
Data points: 5
Growth Marketing Analyst
Median: $72K
Mean (Average): $74K
Data points: 9
Business Intelligence
Median: $69K
Mean (Average): $66K
Data points: 5
Data Analyst
Median: $64K
Mean (Average): $65K
Data points: 3

Most data science positions fall under different position titles depending on the actual role.

From the graph we can see that on average the Product Manager role pays the most with a $125,000 base salary while the Data Analyst role on average pays the least with a $64,741 base salary.

Top Cities for Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salaries

San Diego, CA
Median: $79K
Mean (Average): $79K
Data points: 5
Seattle, WA
Median: $72K
Mean (Average): $72K
Data points: 2
Pittsburgh, PA
Median: $64K
Mean (Average): $64K
Data points: 2

The Growth Marketing Analyst salary in San Diego, CA is the highest paying salary with a $79,188 average base salary. The Growth Marketing Analyst salary in Pittsburgh, PA is the lowest paying salary with $63,544 average base salary.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Growth Marketing Analyst Salary Compared to other Companies

Median: $166K
Mean (Average): $170K
Data points: 28
Median: $164K
Mean (Average): $168K
Data points: 9
Median: $160K
Mean (Average): $156K
Data points: 6
Median: $156K
Mean (Average): $153K
Data points: 5
Median: $145K
Mean (Average): $144K
Data points: 11
Median: $140K
Mean (Average): $144K
Data points: 43
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $143K
Data points: 12
Median: $135K
Mean (Average): $138K
Data points: 7
Median: $127K
Mean (Average): $130K
Data points: 44
Bytedance Inc.
Median: $133K
Mean (Average): $130K
Data points: 9
Median: $134K
Mean (Average): $130K
Data points: 85
Median: $120K
Mean (Average): $123K
Data points: 10
Median: $110K
Mean (Average): $114K
Data points: 5
Median: $106K
Mean (Average): $111K
Data points: 8
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Median: $72K
Mean (Average): $74K
Data points: 9

The Growth Marketing Analyst at Upwork salary is the highest paying salary with a $240,000 average base salary. The Growth Marketing Analyst at Wayfair salary is the lowest paying salary with $40,914 average base salary.