SQL Interview
27 of 56 Completed
Introduction to Beginner SQL Questions
Select All Flights
Like Tracker
SELECTive Wine Connoisseur
Aggregate Functions
Total Salary
Emails Opened
Aggregate Functions
SQL lets you process the data of the tables you retrieve. Aggregate functions give the simplest form of SQL data processing, returning a single metric over a column.
The most common aggregate functions are:
: returns the mean of the values in the columnSUM
: returns the sum of the values in the columnCOUNT
: returns the number of values in the columnMAX
: returns the highest or alphabetically last value in a columnMIN
: returns the lowest or alphabetically first value in a column
For example, if we have a products
id | name | price |
1 | Keyboard | 49.99 |
2 | Mouse | 29.99 |
3 | Monitor | 149.99 |
4 | Headphones | 79.99 |
Then, the following query would get us the average price of all products:
AVG(price) |
84.9825 |
We can also rename the result of an aggregate function just as we did for columns. So, for example, the output for
SELECT MIN(price) AS lowest_price FROM products
would be:
lowest_price |
29.99 |
and MIN
clauses also work for alphabetical orders, so
SELECT MIN(name) FROM products
would return:
MIN(name) |
Headphones |
Numerical operations
Another simple way of processing the output is through applying the same operation to all elements in a numerical column.
For example:
SELECT price + 5 AS price_plus_shipping FROM products
will return the renamed price column, adding 5 to each element:
price_plus_shipping |
54.99 |
34.99 |
154.99 |
84.99 |
If we wanted to show different prices after a discount has been applied, we could use the following query:
SELECT id, name, price * 0.8 AS price_with_discount FROM products
and get this result:
id | name | price_with_discount |
1 | Keyboard | 39.99 |
2 | Mouse | 23.99 |
3 | Monitor | 119.99 |
4 | Headphones | 63.99 |
Now that you have learned about aggregate functions and numerical operations, you can begin answering questions on your data using SQL!
What we learned so far:
When starting with SQL, the execution order of different clauses may be hard to grasp.
That’s why we’ve decided to end the introductory lessons with example queries that use clauses we’ve learned up to that point, and then show the order of execution for the actions they perform.
Example queries:
SELECT first_name, salary + 200
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 7500
AND last_name != "Williams"
SELECT SUM(salary + 2)*3, COUNT(id)
FROM employees
WHERE date_hired > 2019-03-14
Execution order
-> Gets input tableWHERE
-> Filters rows according to conditionSELECT
-> Selects the columns we need.SUM
etc. -> Aggregate functions and numerical operations performed on output.
CompletedYou have 29 sections remaining on this learning path.