SQL Interview

6 Courses
Overview and objectives
In this course we'll go from writing basic SQL syntax to learning complex joins and aggregations for analytical reporting and creating multi-table databases. Additionally we'll be covering the most common SQL interview questions and their various forms.
The audience for this course is anyone with a basic understanding of what SQL is and what a database looks like.
Courses in this learning path are:

Introduction to SQL
SQL is the most popular data analytics and data storage tool. We'll learn about the different types of SQL questions asked on interviews and how to approach them.
7 of 5 Completed

Beginner SQL Questions
Starting with the basics in SQL syntax and writing queries. What does SELECT do? How do you write a full SQL Query? How do we filter down a table and return different columns?
5 of 8 Completed

Easy SQL Questions
Get started on tackling easy level SQL questions involving aggregations, joining multiple tables, and pulling data for beginning analytical reports.
6 of 12 Completed

SQL Interview Tips
SQL interviews have certain regularities. There are types of questions that appear often and common evaluation styles. This course provides useful tips to tackle most SQL interview questions.
3 of 3 Completed

Medium SQL Questions
Medium level SQL questions utilize more advanced concepts like sub-queries, window functions, and solving case study problems.
5 of 19 Completed

Hard SQL Questions
Let's tackle advanced SQL interview questions that focus on multi-joins and layers of data interpretation. These questions may come up in take-home challenges and senior level interviews.
1 of 9 Completed
CompletedYou have 29 sections remaining on this learning path.