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Modeling & Machine Learning Interview

Modeling & Machine Learning Interview

20 of 63 Completed


The machine learning and modeling case study is the most common type of interview question that tests a combination of modeling intuition and business application. This type of interview question is frequently broken down into different parts, in which an interviewer will first ask a very broad question about building a model for a product feature.

We want to approach the case study with an understanding of what the machine learning & modeling lifecycle should look like from beginning to end, as well as creating a structured format to make sure we’re delivering a solution that explains our thought process thoroughly.

For the machine learning lifecycle, we have around six different steps that we should touch on from beginning to end:

  • Data Exploration & Pre-Processing
  • Feature Selection & Engineering
  • Model Selection
  • Cross Validation
  • Evaluation Metrics
  • Testing and Roll Out

We’ll dive into how to tackle each part in the ensuing chapters.

Good job, keep it up!



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