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Data Science Interview

Data Science Interview

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Introduction to Easy SQL questions

SQL allows us to perform data analytics on large databases, but the types of analytics we can perform depends on our level of proficiency.

The easy level of proficiency lets us perform basic data processing, similar to what most people do on Excel spreadsheets. However, SQL gives us more freedom to perform analytics because it scales much better than tools like Excel.

In the context of learning SQL, the easy level introduces SQL’s most common clauses. In this course, we will learn:

  • Different ways we can JOIN tables to combine their data.
  • How to divide our data into different groups and analyze them separately with the GROUP BY clause.
  • How to reorder the rows of our tables with the ORDER BY clause.

In summary, this course will help us:

  • Learn most SQL syntax. Later courses in the SQL learning path will build on this knowledge to perform more complex tasks.
  • Use SQL to perform basic analytics on large databases.

Even at a basic level, being able to process large volumes of data is a valuable skill in today’s data-driven world.

Good job, keep it up!



You have 166 sections remaining on this learning path.