Pure Storage Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Pure Storage Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


Pure Storage is a trailblazing data storage technology company redefining how organizations consume and interact with data. Partnering with industries ranging from space exploration to digital entertainment, Pure Storage’s mission is to enable data-driven insights and innovation by simplifying data usage. With over 11,000 customers, including 58% of the Fortune 500, the company continues to break records and set new standards.

In this guide, we’ll outline what to expect during the interview process, including common Pure Storage software engineer interview questions and preparation tips to help you succeed. Let’s dive in!

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Software Engineer Role at Pure Storage?

The interview process usually depends on the role and seniority, however, you can expect the following on a Pure Storage software engineer interview:

Recruiter/Hiring Manager Call Screening

If your CV happens to be among the shortlisted few, a recruiter from the Pure Storage Talent Acquisition Team will make contact and verify key details like your experiences and skill level. Behavioral questions may also be a part of the screening process.

In some cases, the Pure Storage hiring manager stays present during the screening round to answer your queries about the role and the company itself. They may also indulge in surface-level technical and behavioral discussions, including questions about OS, hardware threads, and basic CS concepts.

The whole recruiter call should take about 30 minutes.

Online Assessment (OA)

Candidates are typically required to undergo an Online Assessment (OA) on platforms such as HackerRank. The assessment generally includes 2 coding questions and several multiple-choice questions related to basic CS concepts, systems programming, and algorithms. The level of difficulty ranges from easy to medium.

This phase is crucial for the initial screening, as it helps identify candidates with the fundamental problem-solving abilities and technical knowledge required for the role.

Technical Virtual Interview

Successfully navigating the OA and recruiter call will present you with an invitation for the technical interview rounds. These are conducted virtually and include multiple segments, typically:

  • Coding Interviews: You will face questions around data structures (like trees or graphs) and algorithms (like dynamic programming). Expect questions on system design and concurrency as well.
  • Systems Programming: Questions about concurrent programming, thread management, and low-level system design. Expect coding tasks related to race conditions and locks.
  • Resume-based Questions: Be prepared to discuss projects and experiences mentioned in your CV, including specific skills or technologies you have stated proficiency in.

Each interview round usually lasts about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Onsite Interview Rounds

Followed by the initial virtual technical interviews, you’ll be invited to attend the onsite interview loop. During the whole day, you’ll talk with about 5 different people across multiple rounds. The onsite interviews typically include:

  • Whiteboard Coding: Solve technical questions on a whiteboard, beginning with simpler problems that become increasingly complex.
  • System Design: Design questions that require you to create and detail different functions, as well as design fault-tolerant, scalable systems.
  • Behavioral Assessment: Interviewers may gauge your fit within Pure Storage’s collaborative and innovative culture through behavioral questions.
  • Presentation: If any take-home exercise was assigned, you might have to present your solution and justify your approach.

Final Managerial Round

If you make it through the technical interviews, a final discussion with a hiring manager or peer close round awaits. This is often more about verifying your fit, discussing the team dynamics, and your aspirations within the company.

What Questions Are Asked in an Pure Storage Software Engineer Interview?

Typically, interviews at Pure Storage vary by role and team, but commonly Software Engineer interviews follow a fairly standardized process across these question topics.

1. Write a SQL query to select the 2nd highest salary in the engineering department.

Write a SQL query to select the 2nd highest salary in the engineering department. If more than one person shares the highest salary, the query should select the next highest salary.

2. Merge two sorted lists into one sorted list.

Given two sorted lists, write a function to merge them into one sorted list. Bonus: Determine the time complexity.

3. Find the missing number in an array spanning 0 to n.

You have an array of integers, nums of length n spanning 0 to n with one missing. Write a function missing_number that returns the missing number in the array. Complexity of (O(n)) required.

4. Calculate precision and recall metrics from a 2-D matrix.

Given a 2-D matrix P of predicted values and actual values, write a function precision_recall to calculate precision and recall metrics. Return the ordered pair (precision, recall).

5. Search for a target value in a rotated sorted array.

Suppose an array sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand. You are given a target value to search. If the value is in the array, return its index; otherwise, return -1. Bonus: Your algorithm’s runtime complexity should be in the order of (O(\log n)).

6. Would you think there was anything fishy about the results of an A/B test with 20 variants?

Your manager ran an A/B test with 20 different variants and found one significant result. Would you suspect any issues with these results?

7. How would you set up an A/B test to optimize button color and position for higher click-through rates?

A team wants to A/B test changes in a sign-up funnel, such as changing a button from red to blue and/or moving it from the top to the bottom of the page. How would you design this test?

8. What would you do if friend requests on Facebook are down 10%?

A product manager at Facebook reports a 10% decrease in friend requests. What steps would you take to address this issue?

9. Why would the number of job applicants decrease while job postings remain the same?

You observe that the number of job postings per day has remained constant, but the number of applicants has been decreasing. What could be causing this trend?

10. What are the drawbacks of the given student test score datasets, and how would you reformat them for better analysis?

You have data on student test scores in two different layouts. What are the drawbacks of these formats, and what changes would you make to improve their usefulness for analysis? Additionally, describe common problems in “messy” datasets.

11. Is this a fair coin based on 10 flips resulting in 8 tails and 2 heads?

You flip a coin 10 times, and it comes up tails 8 times and heads twice. Determine if this is a fair coin based on the results.

12. How would you write a function to calculate sample variance for a list of integers?

Write a function that outputs the sample variance given a list of integers. Round the result to 2 decimal places.

13. Would you trust the results of an A/B test with 20 variants if one is significant?

Your manager runs an A/B test with 20 different variants and finds one significant result. Would you find anything suspicious about these results?

14. How would you find the median of a list where more than 50% of the elements are the same?

Given a list of sorted integers where more than 50% of the list is the same repeating integer, write a function to return the median value in (O(1)) computational time and space.

15. What are the drawbacks of the given student test score datasets, and how would you reformat them?

Assume you have data on student test scores in two different layouts. Identify the drawbacks of these formats, suggest formatting changes for better analysis, and describe common problems in “messy” datasets.

16. How would you evaluate whether using a decision tree algorithm is the correct model for predicting loan repayment?

You are tasked with building a decision tree model to predict if a borrower will pay back a personal loan. How would you evaluate if a decision tree is the right choice for this problem?

17. How would you evaluate the performance of a decision tree model before and after deployment?

If you decide to use a decision tree model, how would you assess its performance before deploying it and after it is in use?

18. How does random forest generate the forest, and why use it over logistic regression?

Explain how a random forest algorithm generates its forest. Additionally, why might you choose random forest over logistic regression for certain problems?

19. When would you use a bagging algorithm versus a boosting algorithm?

Compare two machine learning algorithms. In which scenarios would you prefer a bagging algorithm over a boosting algorithm? Provide examples of the tradeoffs between the two.

20. How would you justify using a neural network model and explain its predictions to non-technical stakeholders?

If your manager asks you to build a neural network model to solve a business problem, how would you justify the complexity of the model and explain its predictions to non-technical stakeholders?

21. What metrics would you use to track the accuracy and validity of a spam classifier for emails?

Assume you have built a V1 of a spam classifier for emails. What metrics would you use to monitor the model’s accuracy and validity?

How to Prepare for a Software Engineer Interview at Pure Storage

You should plan to brush up on any technical skills and try as many practice interview questions and mock interviews as possible. A few tips for acing your Pure Storage software engineer interview include:

  • Know Your Concurrency: Many questions revolve around threads, concurrent programming, and race conditions. Brush up on these topics to do well in the interviews.
  • Brush Up On System Design: Pure Storage values your ability to design robust, scalable systems. Practice system design questions extensively.
  • Prepare For Behavioral Questions: While technical skills are paramount, don’t forget to prepare for behavioral rounds to demonstrate your fit within the organization’s culture.


What is the average salary for a Software Engineer at Pure Storage?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $100K
Max: $220K
Base Salary
Median: $173K
Mean (Average): $170K
Data points: 42
Min: $34K
Max: $452K
Total Compensation
Median: $260K
Mean (Average): $265K
Data points: 39

View the full Software Engineer at Pure Storage salary guide

What is the company culture like at Pure Storage?

Pure Storage fosters a transparent and inclusive culture. The company values innovation, collaboration, and a customer-first approach. Employees are encouraged to take on challenges, think creatively, and strive for continuous improvement.

How long does the entire interview process usually take at Pure Storage?

The interview process at Pure Storage can take several weeks, depending on the number of interview rounds and coordination with the recruitment team. Some candidates have mentioned that the process can extend over a month, especially if multiple rounds are involved.

The Bottom Line

Landing a Software Engineer position at Pure Storage promises an engaging and demanding interview process that tests your technical and problem-solving skills through various rounds. Candidates have reported a positive yet challenging experience, including multiple rounds of whiteboard coding, system design, and performance analysis tasks. While many found the process rigorous with some logistical hiccups, it appears to reflect Pure Storage’s dedication to hiring top-tier talent who can handle complex and broad-ranging technical challenges.

If you want more insights about the company, check out our main Pure Storage Interview Guide, where we have covered many interview questions that could be asked. We’ve also created interview guides for other roles to help you navigate their comprehensive interview process.

Good luck with your interview!