AMD Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

AMD Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


AMD is a pioneering company in the semiconductor industry, renowned for its high-performance computing and visualization products. With a mission to build innovative products that push the limits of technology, AMD plays a crucial role in the development of data centers, artificial intelligence, gaming, and embedded systems.

In this guide from Interview Query, we will walk you through the interview process, commonly asked AMD software engineer interview questions, and essential preparation tips to help you land the role. Let’s get started!

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Software Engineer Role at AMD?

The interview process usually depends on the role and seniority, however, you can expect the following on a AMD software engineer interview:

Recruiter/Hiring Manager Call Screening

If your CV happens to be among the shortlisted few, a recruiter from the AMD Talent Acquisition Team will make contact and verify key details like your experiences and skill level. Behavioral questions such as, “Why are you interested in AMD?” and “Why are you leaving your current job?” may also be a part of the screening process.

In some cases, the AMD software engineering team manager stays present during the screening round to answer your queries about the role and the company itself. They may also indulge in surface-level technical and behavioral discussions.

The whole recruiter call should take about 30 minutes.

Initial Technical Interview

Successfully navigating the recruiter round will present you with an invitation for the initial technical interview. This stage usually consists of either a phone call or Zoom meeting with engineers on the team. The interview is a mix of behavioral and technical questions.

Behavioral questions could include a discussion about your background, skills, and past experiences. Prepare to explain your previous projects and contributions, as well as what strengths and weaknesses you bring to the table. Technical questions might revolve around computer science fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms. Questions may also focus on specific programming languages like C++, Python, and upon request, demonstrate an understanding of software engineering methodologies.

Technical Virtual Coding Interview

Following the initial technical interview, candidates may be given a take-home coding assignment to be completed within a set timeframe. This could involve solving complex medium to hard level Leetcode-style problems or dynamic programming challenges. In some cases, additional technical interviews might be conducted where you must code real-time with online tools, solve system design problems, or discuss database design.

These engagements not only test your coding abilities but also assess your problem-solving approach and your ability to optimize solutions.

Onsite Interview Rounds

After the virtual coding interviews, a second recruiter call might outline the next stage, culminating in an invitation for the onsite interview loop. During this stage, you will go through multiple technical rounds, each focusing on different aspects: data structures, algorithms, system design, and specific programming languages (Python, C++, etc.). You might also discuss real-life scenarios and work on real-time coding problems.

Follow-up technical interviews often assess your software engineering knowledge further. Expect questions on performance analysis, system architecture, memory management, kernel programming, and cloud environments such as Docker or Kubernetes.

The onsite interview rounds might also include a presentation round where you present your take-home assignment. This stage is critical in evaluating your communication skills and your ability to articulate technical details clearly.

Interview Query Signup

What Questions Are Asked in an AMD Software Engineer Interview?

Typically, interviews at AMD vary by role and team, but commonly Software Engineer interviews follow a fairly standardized process across these question topics.

1. Is this a fair coin based on 10 flips showing 8 tails and 2 heads?

You flip a coin 10 times, resulting in 8 tails and 2 heads. Determine if the coin is fair based on this outcome.

2. How do you write a function to calculate sample variance for a list of integers?

Write a function that outputs the sample variance given a list of integers. Round the result to 2 decimal places.

3. Is there anything suspicious about finding a significant variant in an A/B test with 20 variants?

Your manager ran an A/B test with 20 different variants and found one significant result. Would you consider this result suspicious?

4. How do you find the median of a sorted list with more than 50% of the same integer in O(1) time and space?

Given a sorted list of integers where more than 50% of the list is the same integer, write a function to return the median value in O(1) computational time and space.

5. What are the drawbacks and formatting changes needed for student test score data in the given layouts?

You have student test score data in two different layouts. Identify the drawbacks of these layouts, suggest formatting changes for better analysis, and describe common problems in “messy” datasets.

6. Would you suspect anything unusual about the A/B test results with 20 variants?

Your manager ran an A/B test with 20 different variants and found one significant result. Would you consider this result suspicious?

7. How would you set up an A/B test to optimize button color and position for higher click-through rates?

A team wants to A/B test changes in a sign-up funnel, such as changing a button from red to blue and/or moving it from the top to the bottom of the page. How would you design this test?

8. What steps would you take if friend requests on Facebook are down 10%?

A product manager at Facebook reports a 10% decrease in friend requests. What actions would you take to investigate and address this issue?

9. Why might the number of job applicants be decreasing despite stable job postings?

You observe that job postings per day have remained constant, but the number of applicants has been decreasing. What could be causing this trend?

10. What are the drawbacks of the given student test score datasets, and how would you reformat them for better analysis?

You have data on student test scores in two different layouts. What are the drawbacks of these formats, and what changes would you make to improve their usefulness for analysis? Additionally, describe common issues in “messy” datasets.

11. Write a SQL query to select the 2nd highest salary in the engineering department.

Write a SQL query to select the 2nd highest salary in the engineering department. If more than one person shares the highest salary, the query should select the next highest salary.

12. Write a function to merge two sorted lists into one sorted list.

Given two sorted lists, write a function to merge them into one sorted list. Also, mention the time complexity of the function.

13. Write a function missing_number to find the missing number in an array.

You have an array of integers, nums of length n spanning 0 to n with one missing. Write a function missing_number that returns the missing number in the array. The complexity should be (O(n)).

14. Write a function precision_recall to calculate precision and recall metrics from a 2-D matrix.

Given a 2-D matrix P of predicted values and actual values, write a function precision_recall to calculate precision and recall metrics. Return the ordered pair (precision, recall).

15. Write a function to search for a target value in a rotated sorted array.

Suppose an array sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand. Write a function to search for a target value in the rotated array and return its index, or -1 if the value is not found. The algorithm’s runtime complexity should be (O(\log n)).

16. How would you evaluate whether using a decision tree algorithm is the correct model for predicting loan repayment?

You are tasked with building a decision tree model to predict if a borrower will pay back a personal loan. How would you evaluate if a decision tree is the right choice for this problem?

17. How would you evaluate the performance of a decision tree model before and after deployment?

If you decide to use a decision tree model, how would you assess its performance before deploying it and after it is in use?

18. How does random forest generate the forest, and why use it over logistic regression?

Explain how a random forest algorithm generates its forest of trees. Additionally, why might you choose random forest over logistic regression for certain problems?

19. When would you use a bagging algorithm versus a boosting algorithm?

Compare two machine learning algorithms. In which scenarios would you prefer a bagging algorithm over a boosting algorithm? Provide examples of the tradeoffs between the two.

20. How would you justify using a neural network model and explain its predictions to non-technical stakeholders?

If your manager asks you to build a neural network model to solve a business problem, how would you justify the complexity of the model and explain its predictions to non-technical stakeholders?

21. What metrics would you use to track the accuracy and validity of a spam classifier for emails?

Assume you have built a V1 of a spam classifier for emails. What metrics would you use to monitor the model’s accuracy and validity?

How to Prepare for a Software Engineer Interview at AMD

You should plan to brush up on any technical skills and try as many practice interview questions and mock interviews as possible. A few tips for acing your AMD software engineer interview include:

  • Review Core Technical Skills: Make sure you have a strong grasp of programming languages required for the role (C++, Python). Revise data structures, algorithms, and system design.
  • Practice Real-World Problem Solving: Be prepared to solve real-life problems on the fly, and practice coding under time constraints. Utilize Interview Query to practice technical and behavioral questions.
  • Understand AMD’s Products and Culture: Familiarize yourself with AMD’s core products and their application areas. Demonstrating a solid understanding of the company’s mission and how you fit into their culture can set you apart.


What is the average salary for a Software Engineer at Amd?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $68K
Max: $163K
Base Salary
Median: $98K
Mean (Average): $104K
Data points: 100
Min: $12K
Max: $224K
Total Compensation
Median: $109K
Mean (Average): $114K
Data points: 55

View the full Software Engineer at Amd salary guide

What is the company culture like at AMD?

AMD values a culture of innovation, collaboration, and diversity. They strive for execution excellence, encourage direct and humble communication, and are inclusive of diverse perspectives. AMD aims to push the limits of technology to address the world’s most significant challenges.

What qualifications and skills does AMD look for in a Software Engineer candidate?

Minimum qualifications include: - Strong programming skills in C++ and Python. - Experience with software engineering methodologies like Agile, Scrum, Kanban. - Good understanding of Linux, system architecture, and performance analysis. Preferred qualifications include: - Experience with GPU programming (CUDA, HIP, OpenCL). - Familiarity with AI/ML frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow. - Performance analysis skills for both CPU and GPU environments.

The Bottom Line

The interview process for the Software Engineer position at AMD is both comprehensive and rigorous, combining behavioral and technical assessments to evaluate a candidate’s fit for the role. Key components of the interview process include multiple technical rounds, coding challenges that may incorporate data structures and algorithms, and questions on core computer science principles such as operating systems, C++, and parallel programming. Behavioral interviews focus on your motivations, past experiences, and how you’d approach different workplace scenarios.

If you want more insights about the company, check out our main AMD Interview Guide where we have covered many interview questions that could be asked. We’ve also created interview guides for other roles, such as software engineer and data analyst, where you can learn more about AMD’s interview process for different positions.

Good luck with your interview!