Interview Query
Onboarding & Community Guidelines

Onboarding & Community Guidelines

Question Page Onboarding

Welcome to Interview Query!

We have curated over 500 Data Science interview questions from 100+ top-tier tech companies, sourced by community members who have recently gone through those firms’ actual interview processes. Prepare for your upcoming interviews the right way by tackling the constantly growing bank of interview questions and learning from Interview Query’s community of experienced data scientists.

If you are a new user, please follow these three simple steps to get started:

1. Use your existing IQ account to access the questions. Login here!

  • Please note that for now, full access is granted only to users who have purchased one of our subscription plans. For more info about our plans, check out our pricing page!

2. Use our filters to find specific questions based on the category/topic of questions you want to practice on, the position you are interviewing for, the difficulty level, and the company you are targeting. Our filters also allow you to find questions you’ve saved or completed.

Interview Query -question page

We also support sorting, so you can find questions based on rating and recency.

  • “Sort By: Top Rated” lists questions in descending order of upvotes. The top of this list are questions that have the most upvotes.
  • “Sort By: Recently Asked” lists questions in descending order of recency. The top of this list are the questions asked by companies most recently.
  • More filters: This allows you to filter questions with or without solutions, questions you’ve completed, and a lot more!

3. We recommend you first try answering the question without looking at other answers. This way, you will be able to come up with an original answer, maximizing the efficacy of these practices.

Interview Query -employee salaries question

Question Preview

Once you hover over the question title, a question preview will show up, giving you the ability to either answer the question or view the solution.

Interview Query - question preview


If you’re ever stuck on a problem, click the “I need help” button. This will bring up a list of “hints” that will help guide you towards a solution.

Interview Query - hints and gotchas

When you think you have a solution, click the “I’ve got an answer” button. This will bring up a list of “gotchas” to check your solution’s logic. After going through the “gotchas” you can view a solution by clicking “show solution”

Interview Query

Using Code Editors

On Interview Query, you can use the following code editors to solve questions:

  • MySQL 8.0.29
  • PostgreSQL 14.3
  • R 4.2.1
  • Python 3.10.4
  • SQL Server 2019

Note: To switch between code editors, you may change it on the drop-down arrow beside the code editor.

Interview Query - code editors

Use the SQL editor to write SQL statements and run queries.

Interview Query code editor

Use the Python/R editor to create functions to build an optimal solution.


Community Guidelines

1. After coming up with a solution, check out the “Details” tab and upvote the question if you found it helpful. Also, if you want to leave any feedback on the question, click on the “Give Feedback” button at the bottom of the section.

Interview Query - questions

To navigate each feature on the question, you may:

1. Upward Arrow - You can upvote a question if you like it and find it useful.
2. Downward Arrow - Downvote a question.
3. Star - To save the question, click the star icon.
4. Check Mark - Mark questions that you have completed.
5. Give Feedback - If you have comments, suggestions, or feedback on that question.

Let us know if you’ve seen the question in an actual interview by submitting feedback.


You just need to fill out the company, position, and interview date.


Next, check out the “View Comments” tab and browse through other IQ user’s answers to learn from the similarities and differences in each approach. Feel free to share your solution, leave feedback and discuss it with other community members. Upvote answers that you found particularly insightful, and downvote any that you think need review.


Build a habit of practice to effectively improve your interview skills. The key to improving your ability is consistency. We recommend you designate 30 minutes every day to practice. Answer questions, share feedback and learn from Interview Query’s community of data scientists.

  • Strive for complete, quality answers, as if you were in an actual interview setting. The more similar you make your practice to the actual interviews, the more comfortable you will be in the real environment and the faster you will improve.
  • Imagine the readers of your answer as the interviewer. Provide a clear framework of your answer, a structure behind your thought process, and the heuristics behind your decisions to make sure the readers follow your answer. It will also help you get more clarity in your thinking.
  • Embrace feedback from others as it’s the best way to get better!
  • Be respectful to each other in providing and receiving feedback. Provide constructive feedback and have empathy for every member of the community. Please note that we may remove offensive answers and comments.

Using Markdown for Comments and Replies

When leaving comments and replies, feel free to make use of markdown to format and structure your response. If you are new or unfamiliar with markdown, check out this helpful guide.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of our built-in language syntax highlighting.

SQL Syntax Highlighting:

Interview Query - SQL code


Python Syntax Highlighting:

Interview Query - python code


Comments Section

Respond to comments and view replies from other IQ members.

Interview Query - comments

Submit comments and sort them by recency and top comments.

Interview Query - submit comments

Learning Paths(Courses)

Check out our data science courses with over 40 hours of content covering various topics such as Product Sense, SQL, Python, and a lot more to help you gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in your data science journey.

Interview Query - courses


Each course includes questions from IQ’s questions page with hints and solutions. To test out your knowledge and understanding of the course.


Challenge Questions

Test your knowledge and skills among other IQ members with IQ’s challenge questions and get feedback on every assessment.

Interview Query - challenges

Each question is timed.

Interview Query - questions

Check out your performance score and the questions you got correct and incorrect.

Interview Query - performance score

Take-home Assignments

Check out our list of take-home assignments to help you practice longer problems and find the right approach to answering them.


View take-home assignments that have solutions by using our filter. image

Instructions, estimated time to finish the assignment and the option to submit your solution button are at the bottom of the take-home assignment page.

Interview Query - takehome

Discussion Board

Share your interview, job, and career experiences with other IQ members by posting on the discussion board:

Interview Query discussion board

Fill out each question asked on the topic you’ve chosen.




Leave comments and discuss with other IQ members by clicking on each submission.

