Data Structures and Algorithms Interview

Data Structures and Algorithms Interview

Jay Feng


Published June 6, 2024

3 Courses


Overview and objectives

In this course, we will be tackling the fundamental theory of data structures and algorithms. In this learning path, we’ll be taking a systematic approach; we’ll explore a data structure’s logic and use Python to implement these principles into code as an assessment. Finally, we’ll make all this can be leveraged in an interview setting.


This learning path is structured such that very few programming preliminaries are needed to fully complete it. This data structures and algorithms class is built for data engineers, data scientists, software engineers, and the like.


Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

This course contains colorful visualizations and extensive explanations, all while allowing you to use your thinking cap and implement logic into code.

4 of 5 Completed

Arrays and Vectors

Arrays and Vectors

In this course, we will review what an array is, then cover the similarities and differences that they have with lists.

5 of 8 Completed

Linked List

Linked List

In this course, you will learn how linked list works.

3 of 7 Completed

Good job, keep it up!



You have 8 sections remaining on this learning path.