Veeva Systems Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide 2024

Veeva Systems Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide 2024


Founded in 2007 and with a gross revenue of over $2K million in 2024, Veeva Systems is a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for the global life sciences industry. Its expertise lies in developing and maintaining applications for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to streamline their operations, improve compliance, and accelerate drug development. Veeva’s software is delivered as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, making it accessible and scalable for businesses of all sizes.

As the backbone of the company, software engineers at Veeva primarily focus on developing and maintaining software solutions but also participate in developing software features, addressing bugs, improving performance, and collaborating with other teams to ensure successful delivery.

As a software engineer candidate at Veeva Systems, you’ve come to the right place to understand more about the role and the interview process, and go through the recurring interview questions to gain a competitive advantage. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

What Is the Interview Process Like for a Software Engineer Role at Veeva Systems?

The interview process for a Software Engineer role at Veeva Systems typically involves several stages designed to assess your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit with the company. Here’s what you can generally expect:

Initial Screening

The interview process for the software engineer role at Veeva Systems often begins with a phone call from a recruiter. During this call, the recruiter will discuss your background, experience, and interest in the role. They may also provide an overview of the company, the team, and the role. Occasionally, the recruiter might ask a few basic technical questions to gauge your initial fit for the role.

Technical Assessment Round

The next step is usually a technical phone interview with an engineer. This interview often involves a live coding challenge, where you’ll be asked to solve algorithmic problems using an online coding platform. The questions typically focus on data structures & algorithms, and problem-solving skills.

In addition to coding, you may be asked about your previous projects and how your experience aligns with the role.

On-Site or Virtual Interview Loop

If you pass the phone interview, you’ll be invited to an onsite interview, which might be conducted virtually depending on the circumstances. This stage usually consists of several rounds of interviews with different team members. Each session typically lasts 45 minutes to an hour and may include more in-depth coding problems, system design questions, database queries, and cloud computing issues.

The behavioral part of the on-site interview will evaluate your soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and cultural fit. Veeva Systems places a strong emphasis on company culture, so expect questions about how you handle challenges, work in a team, and align with the company’s values.

What Questions Are Asked in a Veeva Systems Software Engineer Interview?

  1. What would your current manager say about you? What constructive criticisms might he give?
  2. How do you prioritize multiple deadlines? Additionally, how do you stay organized when you have multiple deadlines?
  3. What are you looking for in your next job at Veeva Systems?
  4. Tell me about a project in which you had to clean and organize a large dataset.
  5. How do you resolve conflicts with your co-workers and external stakeholders?
  6. Calculate the first touch attribution channel for each user_id that converted based on their initial session.
  7. Write a SQL query to select the second highest salary in the engineering department, ensuring it handles ties for the highest salary.
  8. Write a query to return the two students with the closest SAT scores, prioritizing the alphabetically higher student names if there are ties.
  9. Write a query to check if each user’s completed subscription date range overlaps with any other user’s completed subscription, returning 1 for overlap and 0 for no overlap.
  10. Write a query to calculate the three-day rolling average of deposit transactions per day, formatted as ‘%Y-%m-%d’.
  11. Write a query to retrieve the last transaction for each day, including the transaction id, datetime, and transaction value, ordered by datetime.
  12. Write a function to generate a timeline of friendships with their start and end dates, given lists of friendships added and removed. Only include friendships where an end date exists.
  13. Given it rained yesterday and today, calculate the probability of rain on the nth day after today.
  14. Simulate the annual cost of downtime caused by overlapping computing jobs, where each night two random jobs run for an hour each between 7 pm and midnight, leading to a $1000 cost for any overlap. Estimate the annual cost for n days.
  15. Write a function random_key that returns a key from a dictionary with a probability proportional to its weight.
  16. Write a query to show the number of users, transactions, and total order amount per month for the year 2020.
  17. Write a SQL query to compute the average number of right swipes for users who swiped 10, 50, and 100 times, comparing two variants of an AB test.
  18. Write a query to find the top five most frequently paired products, with the paired product names and their counts.
  19. Write a function to convert a list of integers into their Roman numeral representations, handling values up to 1000.
  20. Write a function to normalize a list of tuples with names and grades to a scale between 0 and 1.

How to Prepare for a Software Engineer Interview at Veeva Systems

Preparing for a Software Engineer interview at Veeva Systems involves a combination of technical preparation, understanding the company’s culture, and honing your problem-solving and communication skills. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get ready:

Understand the Company and Role

Familiarize yourself with Veeva’s key software solutions, such as Veeva CRM, Veeva Vault, and Veeva Commercial Cloud. Understanding these products will help you tailor your answers to specific use cases and demonstrate your knowledge of the industry.

Moreover, carefully analyze the job description to identify specific skills, experiences, and qualifications required for the role. This will help you align your preparation with the company’s expectations. Also, research Veeva’s company culture and values.

Strengthen Your Technical Skills

Be proficient in languages commonly used at Veeva, such as Java, Python, or C++. Practice coding problems and exercises to reinforce your skills. Have a strong grasp of fundamental data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and algorithms, such as sorting, searching, and dynamic programming.

Furthermore, familiarize yourself with SQL and NoSQL databases, understanding their strengths and weaknesses for query handling and database management.

Practice designing scalable systems, considering factors like performance, reliability, and maintainability. Use design patterns and best practices to create efficient and robust solutions. As a software engineer at Veeva Systems, be comfortable with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP. Understand cloud concepts, services, and best practices for building scalable and reliable applications.

Prepare for Behavioral Interviews

Prepare answers to common behavioral questions, such as those mentioned in this article. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and provide concrete examples of your experiences and skills.

Moreover, reflect on Your Experiences. Think about your past experiences and how they relate to the skills and qualities required for the role. Be prepared to share specific examples that demonstrate your abilities.

Participate in Mock Interviews

Seek feedback from our AI Interviewer on your performance, including your technical skills, communication skills, and overall impression. Use the feedback to identify areas where you can improve and focus your preparation. Practicing in a mock interview setting can help you build confidence and reduce anxiety for the actual interview.


What is the average salary for a Software Engineer role at Veeva Systems?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $80K
Max: $210K
Base Salary
Median: $126K
Mean (Average): $141K
Data points: 70
Min: $14K
Max: $283K
Total Compensation
Median: $134K
Mean (Average): $154K
Data points: 68

View the full Software Engineer at Veeva Systems salary guide

The average salary for a Software Engineer role at Veeva Systems can vary depending on factors like experience, location, and specific roles. However, as our candidates report, the base salary for this role at Veeva revolves around $141K, with total compensations reaching $283K for experienced engineers. Find more about the industry standard software engineer salaries on our website.

What other companies are hiring Software Engineers besides Veeva Systems?

Software engineers are valued across every industrial sector. In addition to Veeva Systems, many tech companies, including Google, Amazon, and Salesforce, are actively hiring Software Engineers.

Does Interview Query have job postings for the Veeva Systems Software Engineer role?

Yes, our Job Board has current listings for the Veeva Systems software engineer role. However, we suggest following specific company career pages to stay updated on the latest openings.

The Bottom Line

Preparing for a Software Engineer interview at Veeva Systems requires a combination of technical proficiency, understanding of the company and industry, and effective communication skills. By focusing on core programming languages, data structures, algorithms, system design, and cloud computing, you can demonstrate your technical expertise. Additionally, understanding Veeva’s products, culture, and values will help you tailor your responses and showcase your alignment with the company’s goals.

Beyond Software Engineering, Veeva Systems offers a variety of roles within the life sciences industry. Some of them include Data Analyst, Data Engineer, and Product Manager roles. Find more of the roles in our main Veeva Systems Interview Guide.

All the best!