Top 27 TikTok Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Top 27 TikTok Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


TikTok is the leading platform for short-form video content. Having a vast user-base, a huge amount of data is being generated every second. As TikTok continues to expand, the need for data engineers is also increasing for managing, processing and extracting valuable insights from such large volumes of dataset.

This article is your friendly guide providing the ins and outs of the hiring process, commonly asked Tiktok Data Engineer interview questions, and some useful tips to ensure you are well prepared.

If you have an interest in data engineering and are interested in joining TikTok, this guide is designed specifically for you.

TikTok Data Engineer Interview Process

For the Data Engineer role at TikTok, you should expect more than two interviews including a technical assessment. These interviews are designed to get to know you better and test your technical knowledge, analytical ability, problem solving skills and understanding of fundamentals of computer science.

Now, let’s analyze the interview process step by step.

1. Application process and Initial Screening

The process starts by submitting an online application on TikTok career portal or connect with a recruiter on LinkedIn. The recruiting team will review your resume to ensure you meet basic qualifications. If selected, you’ll undergo an initial phone screening to discuss your background, qualifications, technical skills, and interest in the Data Engineering position.

2. Technical Assessments

Following the initial screening, candidates undergo a comprehensive 4–5-hour technical assessment for the Data Engineer role at TikTok. This involves tasks related to building a database for a new product, such as designing data pipelines, performing ETL processes, and creating a robust database architecture. The assessment tests knowledge in SQL, data modelling, and pipeline construction, emphasizing practical application in real-world scenarios to assess hands-on experience in data engineering.

3. Behavioral Interview

Apart from technical assessments, the interview process for Data Engineer also contains a behavioral interview. These are basically designed to test the situational awareness of the candidate. The questions in this section revolve around situational scenarios such as problems and challenges during a project and how would you handle them. This interview focuses on the specific qualities of the candidate for the data engineering position such as problem solving, leadership, communication, critical evaluation etc.

4. Case Study and Final Interview

This stage involves a case study, requiring you to design a data system or solve a practical data engineering problem. Following this, there’s a final interview with senior leaders or hiring managers. This session delves into your suitability for the Data Engineer role, explores your short-term and long-term goals, and invites your questions about the position.

Commonly Asked Questions in the Data Engineer Interview at TikTok

1. Have you ever encountered a disagreement within your team regarding the best approach to a data engineering problem? How did you handle the situation?

This question assesses your ability to navigate and resolve conflicts within a team. It’s asked to evaluate your approach to decision-making and adaptability in finding solutions to data engineering challenges.

How to Answer

Start by briefly explaining the context of the disagreement. Identify the specific data engineering problem or project where the team had divergent opinions on the best approach. Highlight the different perspectives or approaches that team members had regarding the problem. Discuss how you approached the situation. Emphasize your commitment to fostering open communication and collaboration within the team.


“Yes. During a data optimization project at my previous company, the team encountered a disagreement on the most effective approach to enhance data processing speed without compromising accuracy. The disagreement revolved around whether to implement a real-time streaming solution or batch processing for handling the increased data volume. I initiated a team meeting to create a platform for open discussion. I encouraged each team member to present their arguments and reasoning behind their preferred approach. After thorough discussion, we reached a consensus on a hybrid solution that incorporated aspects of both real-time streaming and batch processing.”

2. Describe a challenging data engineering problem you faced in your previous role, and how did you overcome it?

This question is asked to to access your problem-solving abilities and technical expertise in the context of real-world data engineering challenges.

How to Answer

Begin by giving a brief overview of the context or background of the challenging data engineering problem. Explain the significance of the problem within the scope of the project. Clearly articulate the specific challenges & obstacles you encountered. Be specific about the technical aspects of the problem, demonstrating your understanding of the complexities involved.

Describe the steps you took to analyze and understand the problem. Highlight any research, data analysis, or tools you employed to diagnose the issue. Emphasize your methodical approach to problem-solving.


“In my previous role at XYZ company, I faced a critical challenge in optimizing the data processing pipeline to handle a sudden increase in user data due to a new feature launch. This surge led to latency issues and compromised real-time analytics.

To address this, I conducted a detailed analysis, employing profiling scripts and data flow diagrams to identify bottlenecks. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I implemented advanced data partitioning and parallel processing frameworks. The iterative changes resulted in a 50% reduction in latency, ensuring real-time analytics despite increased data.”

3. Tell me about a time where you had to communicate complex technical concepts to a non-technical audience? How did you ensure understanding and collaboration?

This question is asked to evaluate your communication skills, a critical aspect of the TikTok Data Engineer role.

How to Answer

Start by providing context about the specific instance where you had to communicate complex technical concepts to a non technical audience. Briefly describe the scenario and the importance of the communication task.

Demonstrate your awareness of the audience’s non-technical background. Describe the steps you took to simplify complex technical concepts. Emphasize the importance of avoiding unnecessary technical details and focusing on conveying the core concepts.


“During a project at my previous company, I found myself needing to explain a complex data optimization strategy to the marketing team, who had limited technical background.

Understanding that the marketing team had diverse roles and limited technical familiarity, I made a presentation that focused on key technical points and avoided unnecessary concepts. I used relatable examples and analogies to explain the data optimization strategy, ensuring that the concepts were clear to the marketing team. I actively encouraged questions and created an open space for discussions.”

4. What is your approach to handling errors in an ETL process?

This question is asked in the TikTok Data Engineer interview to access the candidate’s practical understanding of error handling in ETL processes. It assesses their ability to describe a step-by-step approach, highlight the significance of error handling, and provide a real-world example from their previous work.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by outlining the steps that can be taken to handle errors in ETL processes and emphasize the importance of error management. Discuss methods for identifying errors, such as data profiling, monitoring tools, and logging. Describe any preventive measures implemented to minimize errors. You can also share a specific example from your past work where effective error handling was crucial.


“In my approach to handling errors in ETL processes, I prioritize the importance of maintaining data quality and system reliability. For instance, in a recent project, we encountered a data inconsistency issue due to a sudden spike in the source data volume. The error, if left unaddressed, could have led to incorrect analytics downstream. We quickly identified the root cause through detailed logging, implemented a temporary fix to ensure data integrity, and then worked on a permanent solution to accommodate the increased data volume.”

5. Write an SQL query to create a new table, named user_activity, that captures unique user interactions from a raw event log table.

This question is asked to access your SQL skills and the ability to design a table that effectively captures essential user activity data. It assesses your understanding of database schema design and SQL syntax.

How to Answer

To answer this question, begin by defining the SQL command to create the new table. Identify the relevant columns needed for capturing user activity. Clearly specify how the query ensures that only unique user interactions are captured in the new table.


“I would create a new table named user_activity with columns for user_id, timestamp, and action_type. The PRIMARY KEY constraint would be added to ensure that combinations of these columns are unique. Then, I will use the INSERT INTO statement with the SELECT DISTINCT clause to populate the user_activity table with unique entries from the raw_event_log table.”

6. What is an ETL Pipeline?

This question can be asked to assess your foundational knowledge of data engineering concepts, and know your familiarity with the key processes involved in data extraction, transformation, and loading.

How to Answer

Start by defining ETL as an acronym for Extract, Transform, and Load, outlining its role in data integration and movement. Explain the key components of an ETL pipeline and highlight the significance of ETL pipelines in data engineering.


“An ETL pipeline, or Extract, Transform, Load pipeline, is a fundamental concept in data engineering. It involves extracting data from source systems, transforming it to meet specific business rules or requirements, and loading it into a destination for storage or further analysis. In the context of TikTok’s data engineering, ETL pipelines play a crucial role in automating the flow of data, ensuring its consistency, quality, and accessibility for downstream processes such as analytics and reporting.”

7. How will you conduct a user journey analysis using a set of tables summarizing user event data for a community forum app, with the goal of improving the user interface?

This question accesses your ability to leverage data for user journey analysis and user interface (UI) improvement. This question is often asked because a data engineer at TikTok working on user event data needs to understand the analytical approach to identify pain points, user behaviors, and areas for UI enhancement.

How to Answer

To answer this question, begin by understanding the structure and content of the provided tables summarizing user event data. Identify metrics relevant to user journey analysis. Also consider segmenting users based on different criteria and employ appropriate analysis techniques. Based on the analysis, propose specific recommendations for UI improvements.


“I would start by delving into the user event data tables, focusing on metrics like user engagement and session duration. Segmentation based on demographics and usage patterns would provide insights into diverse user behaviors. Using cohort analysis and funnel analysis, I’d identify patterns and potential pain points in the user journey. If, for instance, a significant number of users drop off during a specific step, it signals an area for improvement.

Based on these findings, I’d recommend UI enhancements, such as optimizing navigation and simplifying workflows, to create a more user-friendly experience and boost overall engagement.”

8. How would you design a scalable data pipeline for processing user-generated content data on TikTok

This question is asked to assess your ability to design scalable data pipelines tailored to TikTok’s dynamic environment. Crafting a scalable data pipeline for processing user-generated content is pivotal to handle massive volumes of data.

How to Answer

Begin by expressing the need to understand the specific requirements of processing user-generated content data on TikTok. Outline the key design principles for scalability. Discuss the components and tools you would use.


“To design a scalable data pipeline for processing user-generated content on TikTok, I would first assess the specific requirements, considering the massive volume and real-time nature of the data. Leveraging principles of parallel processing and distributed computing, I’d integrate technologies like Apache Kafka for real-time streaming and Apache Spark for distributed data processing. Scalable databases, optimized for write-heavy workloads, would ensure efficient storage. The architecture would prioritize real-time processing to enable timely analytics and enhance the overall user experience on the platform.”

9. In case an error occurs in the ETL process, how would you design an error-handling mechanism to identify, log, and address issues without interrupting the entire pipeline?

This question is asked to evaluate your problem-solving skills and your understanding of the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process robustness. Addressing errors in the ETL process is crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring a smooth data flow.

How to Answer

Start by expressing the importance of understanding different types of errors that can occur in the ETL process. Propose a comprehensive logging and monitoring system to track each stage of the ETL process. Discuss the implementation of fallback and rollback strategies.


“In the event of an error in the ETL process, I would design an error-handling mechanism. This involves comprehensive logging at each stage, utilizing tools like Apache Airflow for task-level monitoring. A notification system would alert relevant teams through email or Slack for immediate attention. I’d incorporate a retry mechanism for transient errors, allowing automatic reprocessing. For critical errors, a fallback and rollback strategy would ensure the system reverts to a consistent state. This approach minimizes disruptions to the entire pipeline, maintaining data integrity and ensuring timely issue resolution.”

10. If you encounter a data transformation process that seems to be taking longer than usual, how would you identify inefficiency, and what steps would you take to optimize its performance?

This question is asked to access the candidate’s ability to recognize and address performance bottlenecks in data transformation processes, a critical skill for ensuring timely and efficient data processing.

How to Answer

To answer this question, describe the monitoring of the duration of the data transformation process. Define benchmarks or performance thresholds to compare against. After that, analyze the transformation logic for complex or resource-intensive operations. Consider parallel processing, caching mechanisms, or algorithmic optimizations.


“In my role, encountering a data transformation process taking longer than expected would prompt me to assess its efficiency. I’d monitor the process duration, comparing it against benchmarks. To optimize, I’d review the transformation logic, looking for opportunities to simplify operations. Additionally, I’d leverage TikTok’s data profiling tools to pinpoint specific areas for improvement, ensuring our data pipelines operate at peak efficiency.”

11. Suppose you’re analyzing TikTok user data, and every user is marked as “Verified.” How would you investigate and fix this issue to ensure accurate user verification status?

As a data engineer, this question is asked to access the candidate’s ability to identify and troubleshoot anomalies in data, which is a crucial skill for maintaining data accuracy and reliability in platforms like TikTok.

How to Answer

To answer this question, describe examining a sample of user profiles with the “Verified” attribute marked TRUE. Mention if there are patterns or commonalities in the data, and don’t forget to speak about examining the data extraction and transformation processes for issues.


“If faced with a situation where all TikTok user profiles show ‘Verified’ as TRUE, I’d start by inspecting a sample of these profiles. Understanding patterns or commonalities may provide initial insights. Next, I’d review the data sources and examine extraction and transformation processes, ensuring there are no issues introducing this uniformity. To validate the accuracy, I’d cross-reference the ‘Verified’ attribute with other verification-related data or systems, running data quality checks to identify and rectify any inconsistencies.”

12. You run an AB test on a TikTok feature, and the p-value is 0.04. How do you assess the validity of this result, and what steps would you take to ensure reliability?

This question is asked to access the candidate’s understanding of statistical significance, hypothesis testing, and their ability to interpret AB test results. It tests their knowledge of the factors influencing result validity and their awareness of best practices in statistical analysis.

How to Answer

You should begin by explaining the concept of p-value and its significance in hypothesis testing. You should discuss the standard threshold (usually 0.05) for statistical significance and how a p-value below this threshold suggests that the results are unlikely due to random chance.


“A p-value of 0.04 indicates a relatively low probability of obtaining such results by random chance. However, to assess the validity, I would first check the sample size. A larger sample generally provides more reliable results. Additionally, I’d scrutinize the experimental setup to ensure there are no biases affecting the outcome.

To strengthen the findings, I might suggest running the test for a longer duration or replicating it to see if the results are consistent. It’s also crucial to consider practical significance – even if statistically significant, the observed effect should be practically meaningful for the business.”

13. Compare XGBoost and Random Forest algorithms. Explain the differences between them.

For the TikTok Data Engineer role, this question assesses the candidate’s understanding of machine learning algorithms commonly used in data engineering. It tests their ability to differentiate between XGBoost and Random Forest.

How to Answer

While answering this question, you should highlight key differences between XGBoost and Random Forest, such as boosting vs. bagging, handling of missing data, and tree construction and give a concise example.


“XGBoost and Random Forest are both ensemble learning techniques, but they differ in several aspects. XGBoost is a boosting algorithm that builds trees sequentially, giving more weight to misclassified instances. On the other hand, Random Forest is a bagging algorithm that constructs trees independently.

In a TikTok data analysis scenario, if we have a large dataset with diverse features and a need for high predictive accuracy, XGBoost might be preferable. Its ability to handle complex relationships and sequential learning can capture intricate patterns in user behavior. However, if interpretability is crucial or the dataset has many categorical variables, Random Forest could be a better choice.”

14. In case of an SQL Query, how would you handle duplicate data points?

This question allows the interviewer to evaluate your understanding of SQL functionalities related to duplicate handling, such as DISTINCT, GROUP BY, and aggregate functions. It also provides insights into your ability to ensure data quality and integrity.

How to Answer

To answer this question begin by identifying the criteria that define duplicate data points. Describe using the SQL DISTINCT keyword to retrieve unique records based on the identified criteria. Depending on the scenario, discuss the possibility of deleting duplicate entries or updating them to reflect the desired information.


“In handling duplicate data points in an SQL query for TikTok, I would first identify the criteria defining duplicity, such as a combination of user IDs and timestamp. To retrieve unique records, I’d use the SQL DISTINCT keyword, ensuring that only distinct combinations of these criteria are returned. Alternatively, if I need more detailed information or counts for each unique combination, I might employ the GROUP BY clause along with aggregate functions like COUNT or MAX.”

15. At TikTok, how would you ensure data accuracy and identify discrepancies in the user interaction logs when the dataset is noisy and volatile?

This question tests the candidate’s ability to manage and analyze noisy datasets, a common challenge in platforms like TikTok where user interactions are dynamic and can be affected by various factors.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by describing the process of cleaning the dataset, handling missing values, and addressing outliers or anomalies. Then explain how you would validate the data to ensure its accuracy. At the end, discuss methods to identify and investigate discrepancies, such as cross-verifying with other datasets.


“To ensure data accuracy in TikTok’s user engagement logs, I would start by cleaning the dataset, addressing missing values, and handling outliers. Next, I’d employ validation techniques, checking timestamp consistency, verifying user IDs, and validating event types. For identifying discrepancies, I would implement checksums for critical fields and set thresholds for acceptable variations. Additionally, cross-verifying with other relevant datasets, if available, would be part of the process to ensure data reliability.”

16. How would you validate the integrity of a binary tree data structure used in user-related algorithms?

This question tests your understanding of data structures, especially binary trees, which is crucial for algorithms managing user-related data at TikTok. It accesses your ability to ensure the correctness and reliability of these structures.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by explaining the fundamental properties of a binary tree that need validation, such as the left-child, right-sibling relationships, or binary search tree conditions. After that discuss specific methods to validate a binary tree. Also describe how you would handle errors or inconsistencies found during the validation process.


“I would validate a binary tree by ensuring it adheres to properties like left-child and right-sibling relationships. I’d implement checks for the completeness and balance of the tree, and verify if it meets specific constraints, especially if it’s used in algorithms related to user data. If any errors are detected during validation, I would implement a robust error-handling mechanism to address and rectify the issues promptly.”


17. Write a Python function that, given a dataset of test scores, assesses whether the distribution of scores is approximately normal.

In a TikTok Data Engineer interview, this question evaluates the candidate’s understanding of normal distribution and statistical analysis.

How to Answer

To answer this question, you should describe the statistical methods or tests you would use to assess the normality of the dataset and then implement a function accordingly. You should describe implementing a method to check if the given dataset follows a normal distribution.


“I will first calculate the skewness and kurtosis of the dataset using statistical methods provided by the scipy.stats module. Skewness measures the asymmetry of the distribution, and kurtosis measures its tail heaviness. I would then use the Shapiro-Wilk test (stats.shapiro) to obtain a p-value, which assesses the normality of the dataset. The final return statement would check if the absolute values of skewness and kurtosis are below a certain threshold (indicating approximate normality) and if the p-value is greater than 0.05, suggesting that the dataset is likely normally distributed.”

18. How would you design a schema in a relational database to effectively keep track of changes over time?

In an interview for a data engineer role, this question assesses your understanding of database schema design for versioning and tracking changes. It’s crucial in a data engineering role to have a system that maintains historical records of data modifications for auditing, rollback, or analytical purposes.

How to Answer

To answer this question, you should discuss the concept of slowly changing dimensions (SCD) and how it can be implemented in a database schema. Also mention using effective dating or versioning fields in tables, or employing specific design patterns like Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 SCD based on the requirements.


“In SQL, I would create a schema that includes versioning fields such as start_date and end_date or a version column. For example, in a customer table, I would use a Type 2 SCD, where each row has an associated start and end date to track changes over time. This way, we can query the data as it existed at any point in time. Additionally, triggers or stored procedures can be set up to automatically update versioning fields when changes occur. This schema design ensures historical accuracy and provides a solid foundation for analyzing data evolution.”

19. Discuss the role of incremental loading in an ETL pipeline for TikTok analytics. How would you implement incremental loading to ensure efficiency and handle large datasets?

In a Data Engineer interview, this question evaluates your understanding of incremental loading, a critical aspect of ETL pipelines, especially in scenarios involving continuous data updates, as in TikTok analytics.

How to Answer

To answer this question, you should explain the concept of incremental loading, detailing strategies like timestamp-based extraction and efficient update mechanisms to minimize processing overhead.


“Incremental loading involves extracting only the data updated since the last extraction, typically using timestamps or incremental IDs. This ensures efficiency by reducing the volume of data processed during each ETL run. I’d implement efficient change detection mechanisms and design the pipeline to identify and process only the new or modified data, optimizing resource utilization.”

20. Write an SQL query that returns neighborhoods with an average home price above a specified value, sorted in descending order.

For the TikTok Data Engineer interview, this question tests your SQL querying skills, specifically focusing on filtering and sorting neighborhood data based on a specified condition (average home price).

How to Answer

To answer this question, you should write an SQL query that effectively filters neighborhoods based on the specified condition, ensuring clarity, correctness, and efficiency. Additionally, explaining the logic behind the query and considerations for performance is essential.


“To write an SQL query that returns neighborhoods with an average home price above a specified value and sorts the results in descending order, I would select the columns that I need in the result, which are “neighborhood_name” and the average home price calculated using the AVG function, named as “avg_home_price.”

I would specify the source table from which I’m retrieving the data, in this case, the “neighborhoods” table. Since we want the average home price per neighborhood, I would use the GROUP BY clause on the “neighborhood_name” column. To filter neighborhoods based on the average home price, I would use the HAVING clause. I would use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results.”

21. Describe how you would calculate first-touch attribution for a user’s engagement with a TikTok video.

This question is being asked because understanding how a data engineer would calculate first-touch attribution is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts, content strategy, and user acquisition channels on TikTok. It provides insights into which initial touchpoints contribute most to user engagement and conversions.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by defining first-touch attribution and its significance in evaluating user journeys. Then discuss the data points necessary for first-touch attribution, such as user interactions, clicks, views, or any other relevant metrics. Outline the specific model or algorithm you would use to attribute the first touch, considering factors like timestamps and user interactions.


“To calculate first-touch attribution on TikTok, I would start by collecting data on user interactions, such as clicks, views, and engagement events. Timestamps of these interactions would be crucial. I might use a time-decay model, giving more weight to the first interaction and gradually decreasing the weight for subsequent touches.

Using tools like Apache Spark for distributed data processing and a database system like Apache Cassandra for efficient storage, I would design a pipeline that captures, processes, and attributes user actions to their first interaction. This information is vital for TikTok to understand which initial touch points are most influential in user engagement and content effectiveness.”

22. Write a Python function to find all pairs of integers in an array that sum up to a given target value ‘N’.

Data engineers often deal with manipulating and processing large datasets efficiently. This question assesses the candidate’s understanding of array manipulation, a fundamental skill for tasks such as data cleansing, filtering, and analysis. It also assesses the candidate’s ability to solve a common coding problem related to array manipulation.

How to Answer

To answer this question, develop a Python function that takes an array and a target sum as input and returns all pairs of integers that satisfy the sum condition. Then discuss the time complexity of your solution. Ideally, aim for an optimized solution with a reasonable time complexity.


“In order to find pairs in an array that sum up to a given target value, I would iterate through the array while maintaining a set of seen numbers. For each number, I’d check if its complement (the target sum minus the current number) is present in the set of seen numbers. If it is, I’d consider it a valid pair and add it to the result list. Additionally, I would update the set of seen numbers as I iterate through the array.

For example, if I have an array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] and the target sum is 8, the pair (4, 4) would be added to the result list since 4 + 4 equals the target sum.

This approach ensures an efficient way to identify pairs that satisfy the given condition in a single pass through the array, making it a practical solution for finding pairs with a specific sum.”

23. Consider a table named orders with columns product_id and quantity. Write an SQL query to calculate the average quantity of each product.

This question assesses the candidate’s ability to work with aggregate functions in SQL, specifically calculating averages. It also tests their understanding of grouping data based on a specific column (product_id in this case).

How to Answer

To answer this question, you should use the AVG aggregate function along with the GROUP BY clause to group the results by product_id.


“To write this query, I will use the SELECT statement to retrieve two columns: product_id and the average quantity, denoted as avg_quantity. The data is pulled from the orders table. To calculate the average quantity for each product, I will use the AVG aggregate function. The GROUP BY clause will ensure that the results are grouped by the unique product_id, providing the average quantity for each distinct product in the dataset.”

24. How would you design a scalable and efficient data pipeline for handling large-scale user engagement data on TikTok? Discuss key considerations in data storage, processing frameworks, and scalability.

This question assesses the candidate’s ability to design a data pipeline for a social media platform, covering data storage, processing frameworks, and scalability.

How to Answer

To answer this question, consider the types and volume of user interactions on TikTok. After that, discuss the choice of data storage solutions, considering relational and NoSQL databases, and data lakes. Address the use of processing frameworks like Apache Kafka and Apache Spark for real-time and batch processing. To conclude, explain strategies for scalability.


“I would design a data pipeline for TikTok’s user engagement data using MongoDB for real-time writes and a data lake for analytics. Apache Kafka would handle real-time event streaming, while Apache Spark would handle batch processing. The design prioritizes scalability with horizontal scaling and load balancing.”

25. Design a data structure and algorithm to efficiently traverse and analyze an N x N grid, representing user engagement patterns on TikTok.

This question evaluates the candidate’s ability to design a data structure and algorithm for efficient traversal and analysis of an N x N grid, simulating a user engagement map on TikTok.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by discussing the choice of data structure for storing the N x N grid efficiently, considering memory optimization. Propose an algorithm for traversing the grid, optimizing for speed and minimal resource usage. Then, address how the data structure and traversal algorithm facilitate analytical processing of user engagement patterns.


“I’d use a 2D array to represent the N x N grid efficiently. For traversal, I’d implement a depth-first search (DFS) algorithm, optimizing for minimal memory usage. This setup allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and analytical processing of user engagement patterns on TikTok.”

26. Write a function to return any subset of numbers where the elements sum to zero and that does not contain the number 0.

This question might be asked to assess your problem-solving skills, specifically your ability to work with arrays and understand edge cases. The task of finding subsets that sum to zero without including the number 0 tests your knowledge of algorithms, recursion, or combinatorial approaches.

How to Answer

When answering this type of question, focus on your approach to problem-solving rather than diving too deeply into the specifics of the code. Highlight your understanding of the problem, the importance of handling edge cases, and how you used recursion to explore different subsets efficiently. Mention that your solution considers both the constraints (e.g., excluding zero and achieving a sum of zero) and the need to balance performance, demonstrating your ability to design algorithms that meet the requirements effectively.


“I would focus on efficiently finding subsets that sum to zero while ensuring the number 0 is excluded. I could use a recursive approach to explore different combinations of the numbers, checking each one for the desired sum. By carefully managing the recursion and considering edge cases, I would ensure that the solution is both accurate and efficient. This method should help me balance performance while adhering to the problem’s constraints.”

27. Write a query to get the post-success rate for each day in January 2020.

This question would be asked in a TikTok Data Engineer interview to evaluate your ability to handle event-based data, particularly in analyzing user interactions with the platform. TikTok, being a social media platform, relies heavily on understanding user engagement and content creation patterns.

How to Answer

When answering this question, it’s important to start by clearly defining the metric you aim to calculate, ensuring you understand the requirements fully before diving into the SQL query. Break down the problem into smaller parts, such as identifying the key actions and how they relate to each other. Ensure that your query is structured logically, with appropriate use of JOINs, GROUP BY clauses, and conditions that align with the specific data you’re analyzing. Always consider edge cases, like handling multiple posts by the same user on the same day, to avoid inaccuracies in your results.


“I would first define what we mean by “post success rate,” which could be the ratio of posts successfully created to posts started. I should ensure that I’m only considering posts that were completed on the same day they were started. Then, I would think about how to group this data by day to calculate daily success rates. I could use a JOIN to match posts that were started and completed by the same user on the same day, but I would be mindful of potential issues like duplicate counts if a user posts multiple times. To avoid that, I would simplify the approach by focusing on counting the relevant actions directly.”

Tips When Preparing for a Data Engineer Interview at TikTok

Let’s list down tips that you can use to boost your chances of passing your Data Engineer Interview at TikTok.

Research TikTok’s Culture and Interview Structure

It is important to understand how the Data Engineer position contributes to the company and your personal growth. It is recommended to spend some time on researching TikTok’s culture, business and technology. You should also research and familiarize yourself with TikTok’s interview process. This will be helpful for you to emphasize on relevant skills and experiences during the interview. Expect a blend of behavioral, case based, hypothetical and technical questions related to the Data Engineer role.

You should also check out our TikTok Interview Guide to get more insights on what the TikTok general interview process looks like.

Master ETL Processes and SQL

There is no better way to prepare for a Data Engineer interview than to master ETL processes and practice SQL. Understand normalization, denormalization, and how to create efficient data models. Practice writing complex queries, understand different types of joins, and be familiar with optimization techniques. Interviewers often assess SQL skills through hands-on coding exercises and scenario-based questions.

You can also check out our Data Engineer Interview Questions to practice relevant SQL questions and other technical concepts.

Active Thinking and Communication

During a data engineer interview, it is very important to understand the questions clearly. The interviewers often focus more on your thought process rather than a final answer. It is recommended to think out loud so that the interviewer can have a better understanding of your problem-solving approach. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or any other information needed to solve the problem that you are asked to solve.

You can check out our Mock Interviews and behavioral questions to practice and enhance your soft skills.

Showcase your Technical Abilities

In a data engineer interview, you are often expected to think on your feet. The interviewers target your problem solving and analytical skills. They want to know your technical areas of expertise including databases, programming languages and other tools. For this you should be ready to have a clear discussion. While answering a question or solving a problem, pay attention to the efficiency of your proposed solution instead of making it complicated unnecessarily.

Use our challenges to test your technical and problem-solving abilities. This will help you sharpen your skills, build confidence, and excel in your interview preparation journey.

Develop Problem-Solving Strategies

Practice solving complex data engineering problems, explore various approaches, and articulate your problem-solving process. Demonstrate your ability to analyze challenges systematically and devise effective solutions, showcasing your problem-solving prowess during the interview.

Check out our Data Engineering Learning Path to practice and develop problem solving strategies. This will help enhance your analytical skills, reinforce your understanding of key concepts, and boost your confidence in tackling real-world data engineering challenges during interviews.


What is the average salary for a Data Engineer at TikTok?


Average Base Salary

Min: $160K
Max: $241K
Base Salary
Median: $170K
Mean (Average): $184K
Data points: 6

View the full Data Engineer at Tiktok salary guide

The typical average salary for a Data Engineer role at TikTok, based on 6 data points is $184,167. Considering the most recent salary information, this average slightly increases to $185,701.

Where can I read more discussion posts on TikTok Data Engineer role here on IQ?

For more in-depth discussions, I recommend exploring our 2023 TikTok Interview Guide.

For hands-on practice, I suggest checking out and practicing our collection of data engineer interview questions. This will help you familiarize yourself with the types of challenges you might encounter during the TikTok data interview and refine your problem-solving skills.

Are there job postings for TikTok Data Engineer roles on Interview Query?

Yes, at Interview Query, we frequently update job postings from different companies.

I recommend checking out our Jobs Board regularly for recent open positions.


When preparing for your TikTok Data Engineer interview, it’s important to remember that success comes from both technical skills and problem-solving abilities. At Interview Query, we are committed to supporting you on this journey.

We have confidence in your ability to succeed and, with adequate preparation, you can approach your TikTok Data Engineer interview confidently and make a positive impression on recruiters.

Lastly, we wish you the utmost success in your TikTok Data Engineer interview journey. You can explore additional resources on Interview Query to practice for interviews, boost your confidence, and trust in your ability to excel.