Top 22 Stripe Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Top 22 Stripe Software Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


Launched in 2011 and valued at over $50 billion, Stripe is one of the major payment processing software for online businesses. It caters to 2.84 million (and growing) live websites in 46 countries around the globe.

Stripe requires excellent Software Engineers to solidify their platform as a business reliant on data compliance, security, and performance. If you’re looking for a guide on how to secure a job at this company, then this is for you.

This guide will help you get started on how to fully prepare for Stripe Software Engineer interview questions and process, including helpful tips.

After you’re done reading through this, you’ll be well on your way to acing your interview.

With that said, let’s get started.

Stripe Software Engineer Interview Process

The interview process at Stripe may vary depending on your experience and the specific role you’re applying for. However, they generally prioritize assessing your thought process and ability to communicate ideas over simply evaluating your solved answers.

Recruiter Phone Interview

You’ll often be contacted by a Stripe recruiter for the Software Engineer role. If your CV matches, they’ll ask about your experience and availability. During the interview, be friendly, highlight your skills, ask about the team, and show excitement about joining Stripe.

Behavioral Assessment

Stripe’s hiring process prioritizes understanding your motivations. Before technical assessments, candidates discuss past experiences and reasons for applying. This part may occur in the recruiter interview or with a hiring manager. Thoroughly prepare behavioral questions to gain an advantage.

Technical Phone Interview

Successfully completing the behavioral assessment allows you to showcase your technical skills to Stripe interviewers. As a Software Engineer, this stage involves coding challenges, system design discussions, and questions on databases, Stripe technologies, and related concepts. Focus on core principles like scalability and fault tolerance, consider different approaches and justify your choices.

During the coding challenge, use comfortable language, articulate your thought process clearly, explain each step, and ask clarifying questions as needed.

Onsite Interview

The onsite interview can be held virtually or you might have to be present at the Stripe campus to attend the same. Here are a few rounds that you may expect during this stage of the Stripe Software Engineer interview:

  • Coding Interview: Demonstrate strong coding fundamentals, write clean code, and test your solution thoroughly. Be open to feedback and iterate as needed.
  • Behavioral Interview: Share impactful stories that resonate with Stripe’s values (e.g., customer focus, ownership, global mindset). Be genuine and authentic.
  • Bug Bash: Analyze the issue carefully, ask clarifying questions, and explain your thought process as you debug. Show how you would test your solution and ensure thoroughness.
  • System Design: Dive deeper into system design principles, considering user stories, technical constraints, and scalability requirements. Be collaborative and open to different perspectives.
  • Integration Task: You’ll be tested for REST clients, JSON Parsing, and more in this step. Approach this realistically, simulating a typical Stripe workflow. Ask questions, clarify requirements, and showcase your ability to adapt to an unfamiliar codebase.

With the interview process out of the way, let’s focus on a couple of common questions that may be asked or given as challenges during your Software Engineer interview at Stripe.

Commonly Asked Stripe Software Engineer Interview Questions

You’ll mainly be assessed by your approach to resolving practical issues, both behavioral and technical, during the interview rounds. The technical rounds are expected to revolve around algorithms, different programming languages (mainly Python), and your understanding of fundamental concepts.

1. What makes you a good fit for our company?

Typically asked as the first behavioral question at Stripe, this question assesses your understanding of company culture, ethos, and values.

How to Answer

Research Stripe’s culture, values, and mission. Highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with Stripe’s needs. Demonstrate your passion for the company and how you can contribute to its success.


“I believe I am a strong fit for Stripe because of my deep understanding of financial technologies and my passion for creating innovative solutions that simplify payment processes. My experience in developing secure and scalable software aligns well with Stripe’s commitment to providing reliable payment infrastructure. Additionally, my collaborative nature and ability to adapt to fast-paced environments resonate with Stripe’s culture of teamwork and continuous improvement. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Stripe’s mission of expanding the online economy and empowering businesses worldwide.”

2. Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations during a project. What did you do, and how did you accomplish it?

Your problem-solving skills, paired with your ability to deliver results, will be evaluated through this question.

How to Answer

Choose a specific example where you faced a challenging situation. Describe the actions you took to address the challenge and exceed expectations. Highlight the positive outcomes or results achieved.


“During a project to enhance our payment processing system’s security at my previous company, I encountered a critical vulnerability that could have exposed sensitive customer data. Recognizing the urgency, I immediately conducted a thorough analysis of the issue, collaborated with the security team to develop a mitigation plan, and implemented necessary fixes within a tight timeframe. Despite the unexpected setback, my proactive approach and quick decision-making not only prevented a potential security breach but also strengthened our system’s resilience. As a result, we received positive feedback from stakeholders and significantly improved our system’s security structure.”

3. What is your approach to resolving conflict with co-workers or external stakeholders, partially when you don’t really like them?

This question assesses your interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and ability to handle difficult situations professionally at Stripe.

How to Answer

Emphasize the importance of maintaining professionalism and focusing on the issue at hand. Describe a conflict resolution approach that involves active listening, empathy, and finding common ground. Highlight your ability to separate personal feelings from professional interactions and prioritize the team’s or project’s success.


“When resolving conflicts with co-workers or external stakeholders, I prioritize professionalism and maintaining a collaborative environment. Even if I may not personally like someone, I believe in addressing conflicts objectively and focusing on finding mutually beneficial solutions. I approach conflicts by actively listening to all perspectives, empathizing with others’ concerns, and striving to understand the underlying reasons for disagreement. By acknowledging each party’s viewpoints and finding common ground, I aim to facilitate constructive discussions and reach resolutions that align with the team’s goals and objectives.”

4. How do you prioritize multiple deadlines? Additionally, how do you stay organized when you have multiple deadlines?

The interviewer at Stripe will evaluate your time management skills, ability to handle pressure, and organizational abilities through this question.

How to Answer

Explain your process for evaluating and prioritizing tasks based on deadlines, importance, and dependencies. Discuss the tools or techniques you use to stay organized and manage multiple deadlines effectively. Provide examples of successful instances where you managed multiple deadlines efficiently.


“I prioritize multiple deadlines by first assessing the urgency and importance of each task. I use techniques such as Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle to categorize tasks and allocate time accordingly. Additionally, I leverage project management tools like Asana or Trello to create detailed task lists, set deadlines, and track progress. By breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks and establishing clear timelines, I ensure that I stay on track and meet deadlines. Furthermore, I regularly communicate with stakeholders to provide updates on project status and adjust priorities as needed to accommodate shifting deadlines or unforeseen challenges.”

5. Tell me a time when your colleagues did not agree with your approach. What did you do to bring them into the conversation and address their concerns?

Your communication skills, ability to handle disagreements constructively, and ability to collaborate effectively with others as a Software Engineer at Stripe will be assessed through this question.

How to Answer

Describe a specific situation where your colleagues disagreed with your approach or ideas. Explain how you facilitated open communication, listened to their concerns, and addressed their feedback. Highlight the collaborative effort or compromise that resulted from the discussion.


“During a project to revamp our company’s internal reporting system, some of my colleagues expressed reservations about adopting a new technology stack that I proposed. To address their concerns and foster open communication, I organized a series of team meetings to discuss the advantages and potential challenges of the proposed approach. I actively listened to their feedback, acknowledged their valid concerns, and collaborated with them to explore alternative solutions that addressed their specific issues while still achieving the project’s objectives. By incorporating their input and making adjustments to the initial proposal, we reached a consensus that satisfied everyone’s concerns and ultimately led to the successful implementation of the new reporting system.”

6. Given two sorted lists, write a function to merge them into one sorted list.

Your ability to solve the problem will attest to your ability to manipulate lists in Python. You’ll need to merge two lists into one sorted list efficiently.

Bonus: What’s the time complexity?



list1 = [1,2,5]

list2 = [2,4,6]


def merge_list(list1,list2) -> [1,2,2,4,5,6]

How to Answer

You can solve this problem by using two pointers to iterate through both lists simultaneously and compare elements to build the merged list.


def merge_list(list1, list2): 
    list3 = []
    i = 0
    j = 0
    # Traverse both lists
    # If the current element of first list
    # is smaller than the current element
    # of the second list, then store the
    # first list's value and increment the index 

    while i < len(list1) and j < len(list2): 
        if list1[i] < list2[j]: 
            i = i + 1
            j = j + 1
    # Store remaining elements of the first list
    while i < len(list1): 
        i = i + 1
    # Store remaining elements of the second list
    while j < len(list2): 
        j = j + 1

    return list3

7. Given two strings A and B, write a function can_shift to return whether or not A can be shifted some number of places to get B.

This problem assesses your ability to check if you can effectively manipulate strings and see if you can shift one string to form another string.



A = 'abcde'

B = 'cdeab'

can_shift(A, B) == True

A = 'abc'

B = 'acb'

can_shift(A, B) == False

How to Answer

You can solve this problem by concatenating the first string with itself and then checking if the second string is a substring of the concatenated string.


def can_shift(A, B):
    return ( A and B and 
        len(A) == len(B) and 
        A in B * 2 )

8. Write a function called find_bigrams that takes a sentence or paragraph of strings and returns a list of all its bigrams in order.

This question assesses your ability to extract bigrams (pairs of consecutive words) from a given sentence.

Note: A bigram is a pair of consecutive words.



sentence = """

Have free hours and love children?

Drive kids to school, soccer practice

and other activities.


def find_bigrams(sentence) ->

[('have', 'free'),

('free', 'hours'),

('hours', 'and'),

('and', 'love'),

('love', 'children?'),

('children?', 'drive'),

('drive', 'kids'),

('kids', 'to'),

('to', 'school,'),

('school,', 'soccer'),

('soccer', 'practice'),

('practice', 'and'),

('and', 'other'),

('other', 'activities.')]

How to Answer

You can split the input sentence into words, iterate through the words, and generate bigrams by pairing adjacent words.


def find_bigrams(sentence):
  input_list = sentence.split()
  bigram_list = []

  # Now we have to loop through each word
  for i in range(len(input_list)-1):
    #strip the whitespace and lower the word to ensure consistency
    bigram_list.append((input_list[i].strip().lower(), input_list[i+1].strip().lower()))
  return bigram_list

9. Given a list of integers, and an integer N, write a function sum_to_n to find all combinations that sum to the value N.

This coding problem assesses your ability to find combinations of integers from a list that sum up to a given value.



integers = [2,3,5]

N = 8


def sum_to_n(integers, N) ->






How to Answer

You can solve this problem using recursion and backtracking to explore all possible combinations of integers.


def sum_to_n(integers, N):
    output = []
    if N < 0:
        return []
    for i in range(len(integers)):
        if N == integers[i]:
            for j in sum_to_n(integers[i:], N-integers[i]):
    return output

10. Given two dates, write a program to find the number of business days that exist between the date range.



date1 = 2021-01-31

date2 = 2021-02-18


def delta_buss_days(date1,date2) -> 14

The interviewer strives to evaluate your ability to calculate the number of business days between two dates through this question.

How to Answer

You can use date arithmetic to calculate the difference between the two dates, excluding weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) from the count.


import pandas as pd
def delta_buss_days(d1, d2):
    dates = pd.date_range(d1,d2)
    daynumbers = [i.isoweekday() for i in dates]
    # weekdays are numbered 1-5 in iso format
    return len([i for i in daynumbers if i <= 5])

11. How would you optimize a Stripe API call to minimize latency and improve response time?

API calls are important to handle software integrations and transactions with stakeholders at Stripe. This question assesses your ability as a Software Engineer to optimize API calls for better performance.

How to Answer

Discuss the strategies that may optimize the API calls. Explain methods that can be used to implement the strategies. Mention Stripe SDKs for API usage.


“In optimizing a Stripe API call, I would focus on specifying only the essential fields needed for the transaction or operation, reducing the payload size. Utilizing webhooks for tasks like sending email receipts or updating internal databases asynchronously would also be beneficial. Moreover, implementing caching for frequently retrieved data such as customer details or product information can significantly reduce response time. Finally, utilizing Stripe’s Python client library can streamline the integration process and leverage built-in optimizations for API usage.”

12. You need to design a fraud detection system for Stripe transactions. Explain your approach and key considerations.

Due to the nature of the service Stripe provides, fraud detection is critical for its users. Your answer will be used to evaluate your ability to design a robust fraud detection system tailored for Stripe transactions.

How to Answer

Mention why fraud detection systems are necessary for a platform like Stripe. Discuss how you’ll train an ML model to analyze patterns and detect anomalies. Finally, explain how an improved accuracy may be achieved over time.


“In designing a fraud detection system for Stripe transactions, I would employ a combination of machine learning algorithms and rule-based systems. Using historical transaction data, I’d train a model to detect patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior, adjusting its parameters regularly to improve accuracy. Additionally, I’d implement rules to flag transactions based on criteria like unusually large amounts, rapid velocity, or suspicious geographic locations. Integration with third-party fraud prevention services like Sift or Kount would provide additional layers of protection. Continuous monitoring of transaction patterns and periodic updates to the detection algorithms are key considerations for maintaining efficacy.”

13. Describe your approach to designing a secure and scalable authentication system for Stripe users.

This question examines your ability to design authentication systems that are both secure and scalable for Stripe users.

How to Answer

Discuss industry-standard authentication protocols along with secure communication protocols. Explain the need for strong password policies, hashish techniques, and MFA. Mention load balancers and scalability to conclude your answer.


“In designing a secure and scalable authentication system for Stripe users, I would prioritize the use of OAuth 2.0 or JWT for secure user authentication and authorization. All communication between clients and servers would be encrypted using HTTPS to prevent unauthorized access. User passwords would be securely hashed using bcrypt before storage to mitigate the risk of data breaches. Additionally, I would implement MFA to enhance security. To ensure scalability, I’d deploy the system across distributed servers and utilize load balancers to distribute incoming traffic evenly. Implementing caching mechanisms for session management would further enhance scalability and optimize performance.”

14. How would you handle exceptions in Python code? Demonstrate with an example.

This question evaluates your familiarity with the Python programming language, especially exception handling, which is a fundamental requirement for a Software Engineer at Stripe.

How to Answer

In Python, exceptions are handled using try-except blocks. Place the code that might raise an exception inside the try block, and handle the exception(s) in the except block(s) based on their type(s). It’s essential to catch specific exceptions rather than using a generic except block to handle errors more gracefully. Finally, consider using the finally block for cleanup tasks that need to be executed regardless of whether an exception occurs.


    result = 10 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Error: Division by zero")
    print("Result:", result)
    print("Cleanup tasks here")

In this example, a ZeroDivisionError exception is caught when attempting to divide by zero. The error message is printed, and cleanup tasks specified in the Finally block are executed

15. How would you debug memory leaks in a Python application?

The Stripe technical interviewer will assess your ability to debug memory-related issues in Python applications through this question.

How to Answer

Discuss your approach to debugging memory leaks in Python. Mention identifying memory-intensive code segments with reference leaks. Explain garbage collection modules and how you would review the code for common pitfalls.


“When debugging memory leaks in a Python application, I would start by using memory profiling tools like memory_profiler to identify memory-intensive code segments. Analyzing the output would help identify objects with reference leaks. Additionally, I’d use objgraph to visualize object references and retention patterns, which can provide insights into potential causes of memory leaks. Utilizing the gc module to force garbage collection and examining objects not properly released would further aid in identifying memory leaks. Finally, reviewing the code for common pitfalls such as circular references or excessive memory usage in loops would help resolve memory-related issues.”

16. Explain the concept of decorators in Python and their use cases.

Your Stripe interviewer will evaluate your understanding of the basic concept of decorators in Python through this question.

How to Answer

Explain that decorators in Python are functions that take another function as an argument and return a new function that usually extends or modifies the behavior of the original function.


“Decorators in Python are functions that modify the behavior of other functions or methods. They allow you to add functionality to existing functions or methods without modifying their code directly. Decorators are commonly used for tasks such as logging, authentication, caching, and performance monitoring.

In Python, decorators are indicated by the @decorator_name syntax. For example, a @staticmethod decorator can be used to define a static method within a class without explicitly using the staticmethod() function.”

17. How would you design a queueing system to handle a high volume of concurrent API requests to Stripe?

This question evaluates your ability as a Software Engineer to design scalable and efficient systems to handle a high volume of concurrent API requests, which is essential for services like Stripe.

How to Answer

Describe the components of a queuing system such as load balancers, message queues (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka), worker nodes, and fault tolerance mechanisms.


“I would design the queuing system using a combination of load balancers to distribute incoming requests, message queues like RabbitMQ or Kafka to handle the queueing of requests, worker nodes to process the requests from the queue, and implement fault tolerance mechanisms such as redundancy and monitoring to ensure system reliability and availability.”

18. Describe how you would implement a map/reduce function in Python.

The interviewer will evaluate your understanding of distributed computing concepts and your ability to implement them in Python, which is relevant for handling large datasets efficiently.

How to Answer

Explain the basic concept of map/reduce, where map applies a function to each element in a sequence and reduce aggregates the results. Describe how you would implement these functions using Python’s built-in functions like map() and reduce() or using list comprehensions and loops.


To implement a Map function in Python, you can use list comprehensions or the map() function. For example:

def square(x):
    return x * x

result = map(square, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

To implement a Reduce function in Python, you can use the functools.reduce() function or write a custom reduce function using loops. For example:

from functools import reduce

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

result = reduce(add, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

19. Stripe emphasizes a user-centric approach. Describe how you would incorporate user experience (UX) considerations into your development process.

Your understanding of UX principles and how you integrate them into your development process, which is crucial for a user-centric company like Stripe, will be assessed with this question.

How to Answer

Explain how you would gather user feedback, conduct usability testing, and iterate on designs based on user feedback. Mention techniques such as user personas, wireframing, prototyping, and user journey mapping.


“I would incorporate user experience considerations into the development process by gathering user feedback through surveys, interviews, and analytics data. I would create user personas to understand the needs and goals of different user segments, and then use wireframing and prototyping tools to design and iterate on user interfaces. Additionally, I would conduct usability testing to identify any usability issues and iterate on designs based on user feedback to improve the overall user experience.”

20. Stripe encourages innovation and experimentation. Describe a new feature or functionality you would envision for Stripe and how you would approach its development.

This question evaluates your ability to think innovatively and critically about product development, which is important for software and API integration at Stripe.

How to Answer

Describe a new feature or functionality that aligns with Stripe’s mission and values, and explain how you would approach its development by considering factors such as user research, feasibility, technical implementation, and potential impact on users and the business.


“I would envision a new feature for Stripe that enhances fraud detection and prevention using machine learning algorithms. This feature would analyze transaction patterns and user behavior to identify suspicious activities in real-time, helping merchants mitigate fraud risks. I would approach its development by conducting user research to understand merchants’ pain points related to fraud, collaborating with data scientists to develop and train machine learning models, and working closely with engineers to integrate the feature into Stripe’s existing platform while ensuring scalability and performance. Additionally, I would prioritize security and privacy considerations to protect users’ sensitive information and comply with regulations.”

21. Write a query to retrieve all user IDs in ascending order whose transactions have exactly a 10-second gap from one another.

This question tests your ability to write complex SQL queries, solve real-world data problems, and detect patterns in transaction data. It evaluates your skills in handling and analyzing data, translating business problems into technical solutions, and ensuring attention to detail.

How to Answer

In order to get the relevant user IDs, we need to get the difference between each sequential timestamp. To do this, we use the window functions, LAG() & LEAD(). These functions create a copy of the desired column but offset it by a certain number of rows.


“To solve the problem of identifying user IDs with transactions exactly 10 seconds apart, I would use the LAG() and LEAD() window functions to access the previous and next row timestamps. By ordering the transactions with the OVER() clause, I would ensure the correct sequence. I could create a common table expression to include these previous and next timestamps, then calculate the absolute time differences between each transaction and its adjacent ones. Finally, I should select distinct user IDs with a 10-second gap in their transactions and order the results.”

22. Given a list of stop words, write a function stopwords_stripped that takes a string and returns a string stripped of the stop words with all lowercase characters.

This question is asked in a Stripe software engineer interview to evaluate the candidate’s ability to manipulate strings and handle common text processing tasks. It tests the candidate’s proficiency in programming concepts such as list handling, string manipulation, and the efficient use of data structures.

How to Answer

Stripping stop words is pretty key in data science. Many times when creating word vectors or TFIDF vectors out of text, we have to make sure to isolate important words to understand the placement of non-stop words next to each other as bi-grams or trigrams.


“I convert the list of stop words into a set for efficient lookup, split the input string into individual words, and filter out the stop words. I then rejoin the remaining words into a clean string. This process ensures that I focus on the significant parts of the text, which is crucial for accurate text analysis and processing.”

How to Prepare for the Software Engineer Role at Stripe

Engage in peer-to-peer mock interviews to simulate real-world scenarios. It’ll provide you with boosted confidence and allow you to refine your answers according to the feedback offered by your peers.

Learn Python and Object-Oriented Programming

Given Stripe’s preference for Python, mastering this language is essential. Start with the basics, including syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming principles.

Utilize online platforms like our Python Learning Path to embark on a structured Python learning journey. Focus on topics such as list comprehensions, generators, decorators, and context managers to deepen your understanding.

Learning SQL and Database Basics

Familiarize yourself with SQL as it’s frequently used in data-related tasks. Begin by learning fundamental SQL concepts such as querying databases, manipulating data, and performing joins.

Resources like our SQL Learning Path provide comprehensive tutorials and exercises to enhance your SQL proficiency. Practice writing complex queries, optimizing performance, and understanding database normalization principles.

Practice Interview Questions

Explore common interview questions and their solutions to gain insights into problem-solving strategies.

Participate in Coding Challenges

Regularly engage yourself in our Coding Challenges to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Participate in coding competitions, solve algorithmic puzzles, and explore different programming paradigms to broaden your skill set.

Practice Take-home Problems

Be prepared to tackle take-home problems, if applicable, that simulate real-world scenarios. These assignments typically assess your ability to write clean, efficient code and solve complex problems over a specified timeframe.


How much do Software Engineers earn at Stripe?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $110K
Max: $250K
Base Salary
Median: $170K
Mean (Average): $174K
Data points: 284
Min: $26K
Max: $626K
Total Compensation
Median: $305K
Mean (Average): $332K
Data points: 232

View the full Software Engineer at Stripe salary guide

Software Engineers at Stripe typically earn an annual salary ranging from $110K to $250K, depending on experience, location, and specific role within the company.

You may also find our comprehensive Software Engineer Salary Guide useful while negotiating your package.

Where can I read about other candidates’ interview experiences for the Stripe Software Engineer role?

You can find firsthand accounts of candidates’ interview experiences for the Stripe Software Engineer role on our Discussion Board. Also, don’t hesitate to discuss your experience if you have something new to contribute.

Does Interview Query have job postings for the Stripe Software Engineer role?

Yes, Interview Query frequently posts job listings for Software Engineer positions at various companies, including Stripe. You can visit our Jobs Board to stay updated on the latest openings.

The Bottom Line

Preparing for the Software Engineer interview at Stripe demands dedication, thoroughness, and a strategic approach. Leverage our resources like mock interviews, Main Stripe Interview Guide, and Learning Paths to gain an edge over other candidates competing for the Software Engineer role at Stripe.

Moreover, explore other career options within Stripe with our Business Intelligence Interview Guide, Data Analyst Interview Guide, and Data Scientist Interview Guide.

Remember to focus on understanding core concepts, practicing problem-solving techniques, and effectively communicating your thought process during technical discussions.

All the best!