first premier bank and premier bankcard are sister organizations under the holding company united national corporation (unc) yet they operate independently. first premier bank’s roots are in community banking and has experienced solid growth at the national level with many of the products and services we provide. premier bankcard is the service provider for first premier bank credit cards. both organizations are separately funded. premier bankcard’s credit card loans are self-funded by their cash reserves. no first premier bank depositor’s money or debt is used to fund the cards.
first premier bank and premier bankcard are strong, south dakota-based financial organizations whose business principles and practices are as solid as the people who live here. our presence isn’t just a line item on a balance sheet and we don’t answer to an out-of-state management group. decisions are made locally, with first-hand knowledge of the people and communities we serve.
since 1989, premier bankca
Practice for the First premier bank/premier bankcard interview with these recently asked interview questions.
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