Top 20 IBM Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024

Top 20 IBM Data Engineer Interview Questions + Guide in 2024


IBM, being a global leader in innovation and technology, has consistently set the standards for cutting-edge solutions in data-driven landscapes. Data Engineers at IBM play a key role in designing and developing systems for collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data in order to extract useful information.

Working at IBM as a Data Engineer, you’ll get to work with the latest tech on projects of a global scale, all while enjoying a supportive culture that fosters your career development.

This article is your complete guide offering you sample IBM data engineer interview questions you’ll face and useful tips for standing out!

What is the Interview Process like for a Data Engineer Role at IBM?

The interview process for the IBM Data Engineer role involves a well-thought-out and structured hiring procedure. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you can expect:

1. Application and Screening

The first step is to submit your application online at the IBM careers portal. IBM always recommends that you join their Talent Network when applying for a role.

The hiring team will carefully review your application, focusing on your data engineering expertise and if your application stands out. If you get the green light, you’ll be contacted by the hiring team for an initial technical screening to assess your data engineer proficiency, your background, and experience.

2. Technical Interview

Next up, you’ll have a technical interview where you can expect a dynamic and hands-on evaluation of your data engineering skills. Be prepared to discuss your past technical projects. You’ll be assessed on how you would approach challenges commonly faced in data engineering projects.

3. Coding assessment

This round is designed to assess your coding proficiency. You may be asked to write code to manipulate and analyze data, implement algorithms, or optimize code for efficient data processing. Also expect questions related to SQL queries, database design, and optimization.

4. Behavioral Interview

In this round of the Data Engineer Interview process at IBM, anticipate a discussion focused on your experiences, teamwork skills, and problem-solving approaches within a collaborative setting. You’ll be assessed based on your ability to work collaboratively within a team, your communication skills, and how you overcome challenges.

5. Final Interview

In the final round, the hiring team will assess you based on how your personal values align with the vibrant culture at IBM. You’ll be asked questions about collaboration, teamwork, and your approach to innovation.

This round might involve in-depth discussions and collaborative exercises tailored specifically to data engineering challenges. Expect real-world scenarios, case studies, or team activities that mirror the dynamic environment at IBM.

What Questions are Asked in a Data Engineer Interview at IBM?

IBM’s Data Engineer interview rigorously evaluates candidates across various dimensions such as:

  • Proficiency in ETL tools and cloud data security.
  • Adeptness with complex SQL queries.
  • Ability to handle cross-functional projects.
  • Resolving data integration challenges.
  • Assessing third-party tools.
  • Applying machine learning concepts like feature engineering.

To view the full extent of IBM’s data engineering interview questions, refer to our list below:

1. Share your experience with various ETL tools. Additionally, if you have a favorite ETL tool, could you explain why it stands out to you?

IBM places a significant emphasis on candidates’ practical knowledge and proficiency in data processing tools. This question tests your hands-on experience with ETL tools, evaluating your ability to efficiently extract, transform, and load data, a fundamental aspect of data engineering.

How to Answer

To answer this, start with a concise overview of the ETL tools you’ve worked with in previous roles. If you have a favorite ETL tool, state which one it is. Clearly describe what sets your preferred tool apart, whether it’s efficiency, versatility, or any other specific features.


In my previous roles, I’ve had hands-on experience with several ETL tools, including Apache NiFi, Talend, and Apache Spark. While all of them have their merits, my favorite is Apache Spark. Its distributed processing capabilities enable a user to handle massive datasets seamlessly, ensuring efficient data transformations. Additionally, its support for multiple programming languages and compatibility with diverse data sources make it a versatile and powerful tool for comprehensive data engineering tasks.”

2. Can you share your approach to ensuring data security and privacy while deploying and developing applications on a cloud-based infrastructure?

Being a data engineer at IBM, ensuring data security and privacy is an important concern, making this question essential to evaluate a candidate’s understanding of safeguarding sensitive information in cloud environments.

How to Answer

To answer this, discuss the encryption methods you employ to secure data that is both in transit or at rest. Highlight your approach to implementing robust access control mechanisms, ensuring only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data. Discuss the tools and strategies you use for continuous monitoring, and detecting potential security threats.


I prioritize encryption measures using industry-standard protocols like TLS for data in transit and AES for data at rest. Access control is rigorously implemented through identity and access management tools, ensuring that only authorized personnel have the necessary permissions. Adhering to compliance standards such as GDPR and HIPAA, I continuously monitor and audit the system using tools like AWS CloudTrail to detect and respond to security incidents promptly. Additionally, I employ data masking and anonymization techniques to protect sensitive information.”

3. How would you handle a challenging technical project that requires cross-functional collaboration?

This question aims to assess your ability to navigate complex technical projects, demonstrating your teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, essential for data engineers working in a diverse company like IBM.

How to Answer

While answering, highlight your approach to implementing a collaborative team environment, emphasizing the importance of diverse skills and perspectives. Discuss how you would establish clear and open lines of communication and address how you would handle conflicts or disagreements within the team.


“In handling a challenging technical project requiring cross-functional collaboration, I would first focus on team building, ensuring a diverse set of skills and perspectives within the team. Clear and open communication channels would be established through regular meetings and updates. Project planning would involve identifying key milestones and deliverables, with input from each functional area. In the event of conflicts, I would employ a diplomatic approach, encouraging open dialogue to reach a consensus. I will also establish a feedback mechanism, which is crucial for ongoing improvement.”

4. What is your approach to selecting and evaluating third-party tools, services, or libraries to integrate into a project?

This question assesses your decision-making skills, ensuring you can integrate solutions that enhance project outcomes and align with IBM’s high standards of being a Data Engineer.

How to Answer

To answer this question, discuss how you first understand the specific requirements of the project, and identify gaps that may be filled by third-party tools. Highlight your method for researching and analyzing potential tools or services. Discuss your approach to conducting performance tests or proof-of-concept implementations.


“In my approach to selecting and evaluating third-party tools, I start by thoroughly understanding the project requirements and identifying areas where external solutions can add value. I conduct extensive research, considering factors such as reliability, scalability, and community support. Compatibility with existing systems is a critical aspect, and I assess this through thorough evaluations or pilot implementations. Performance testing, including benchmarks or proof-of-concept trials, is essential to ensure the selected tools meet performance expectations. Additionally, I prioritize security features and verify compliance with industry standards.”

5. Tell me about a time when you faced an unexpected problem with bringing together data from different sources. How did you handle it?

This question tests your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and your ability to handle unexpected issues that may arise during data integration projects. It provides insight into your approach to troubleshooting and resolving challenges, aligning with IBM’s commitment to innovation, and efficiency in data engineering.

How to Answer

Begin by providing a brief context of the project, the data sources involved, and the goals of the integration. Clearly describe the unexpected problem that arose during the data integration process. Detail the steps you took to analyze the problem and troubleshoot issues.


In a recent data integration project, I encountered an unexpected problem when attempting to merge data from two disparate sources. The issue stemmed from differences in data formats and inconsistent data quality, causing discrepancies in the integrated dataset. To resolve this, I conducted a thorough analysis of the data sources, identifying anomalies and inconsistencies. I collaborated with the data owners to implement data cleansing processes and established standardized data formats for consistency. The resolution not only corrected the immediate problem but also improved overall data quality and integrity.”

6. You’re tasked with finding the five lowest-paid employees who have completed at least three projects. How would you approach this, considering two tables: employees and projects?

At IBM, data engineering plays a crucial role in optimizing operations, this question evaluates your ability to use SQL to extract specific information from complex databases. It assesses your understanding of data relationships, filtering conditions, and the application of business logic.

How to Answer

Outline the structure of the SQL query, emphasizing the use of appropriate clauses and conditions. Discuss how you would join the two tables in the question, in this case, employees and projects, based on relevant keys. Address the criteria for identifying low-paid employees who have completed at least three projects.


“To identify the five lowest-paid employees who have completed at least three projects, I would structure an SQL query with an appropriate join clause between the employees and projects tables, linking them through relevant keys. I’d then apply filtering conditions to select employees with completed projects, ensuring the end date is not NULL. Utilizing order by, I would sort the results by employee salary in ascending order. Finally, I would use the limit clause to retrieve the top five results, meeting the criteria of both low pay and completion of at least three projects.”

7. Explain the steps that can occur when a block scanner detects a corrupted data block.

This question assesses your knowledge of data recovery processes, your familiarity with block scanners, and the ability to ensure data reliability in complex systems—essential skills for data engineers at IBM.

How to Answer

While answering, describe the method used by the block scanner to detect corrupted data blocks. Explain the steps taken to isolate the corrupted block and log the detection for further analysis. Discuss the approaches employed to repair or reconstruct the corrupted data, if possible.


When a block scanner detects a corrupted data block, the first step involves it’s detection mechanism, where the scanner identifies anomalies in the block’s structure or content. Once identified, the corrupted block is isolated, and the event is logged for further analysis. Depending on the system’s capabilities, there may be attempts to repair or reconstruct the corrupted data through redundant copies or parity checks. Simultaneously, relevant stakeholders or administrators are promptly notified through alerting mechanisms. To prevent future occurrences, continuous monitoring and preventive measures, such as checksum validation or redundancy strategies, are often implemented to maintain the overall integrity of the data system.”

8. Write a function, str_map, to check if there’s a one-to-one correspondence between characters in the same position/index of two strings, string1 and string2.

Data engineers at IBM often work with data transformations, where maintaining the integrity of data is crucial. Checking for a one-to-one correspondence between characters in corresponding positions of two strings is relevant in scenarios such as data validation or data integration, ensuring consistency during data processing.

How to Answer

To answer this, outline a simple algorithm. Iterate through each character in both strings simultaneously. Use a data structure (e.g., a dictionary) to track mappings. If a character in one string is already mapped to another character, it’s not a bijection. Then demonstrate the function’s usage with examples to validate its correctness and also mention the time complexity is O(n).


“To determine a one-to-one correspondence between characters in the same position of two strings, I’d check if their lengths are equal. Using a dictionary, I would iterate through both strings, verifying and updating mappings. Next, I’d iterate through both strings simultaneously using a loop or a zip function. The function would return True if the iteration completes successfully. I’d test it with cases like “abc” and “def” (expected: True) and “aab” and “ccd” (expected: False). Time complexity would be O(n), considering string length. Additionally, I would handle edge cases, such as checking for strings of different lengths to provide a robust solution.”

9. Explain the difference between an incremental load and an initial load in ETL.

At IBM, data integration is a crucial aspect of various projects for data engineers, hence an understanding of the ETL processes is essential. This question assesses your knowledge of data extraction, transformation, and loading, and the ability to design efficient and scalable ETL workflows.

How to Answer

While answering, clearly define what an incremental load is in the context of ETL, highlighting its purpose and benefits. Define what an initial load is, emphasizing its role in the ETL process. Describe the main differences between an incremental load and an initial load in terms of data volume, processing time, and use cases.


In ETL processes, an incremental load involves extracting, transforming, and loading only the data that has changed since the last successful load. This is typically done using timestamps or change data capture mechanisms, reducing processing time and resource usage. On the other hand, an initial load involves transferring the entire dataset from the source to the destination, commonly done during the first ETL run or when a major system update occurs. In scenarios where only a subset of data changes frequently, an incremental load is preferred for efficiency, while an initial load is suitable for scenarios requiring a complete data refresh or system migration.”

10. Given two strings A and B, write a function can_shift to return whether or not A can be shifted some number of places to get B.

In data engineering, handling and processing data efficiently is crucial. This question tests your ability to manipulate and compare strings, a skill often used in tasks like data cleansing, data transformation, or data integration.

How to Answer

While answering, consider a straightforward algorithm. Check if the lengths of both strings are equal; if not, return False. Use string slicing to check if any rotation of A matches B. Provide examples to demonstrate the function’s usage. Note that the time complexity is O(n).


I’d start by checking if the lengths of both strings, A and B, are equal. If they’re not, there’s no way A can be shifted to match B, so I’d return False. Assuming the lengths are equal, I would then use string concatenation to create a double of string A (A + A) and check if B is a substring of this concatenated string. If it is, that means A can be shifted to match B, and I’d return True; otherwise, I’d return False. For example, if A is “abcde” and B is “deabc”, the function should return True. Here, we can obtain B by shifting A three places to the right. On the other hand, if A is “hello” and B is “world”, the function should return False because no shift of A results in B. I would test the function with various cases, including edge cases like empty strings or strings of different lengths, to validate its correctness. The time complexity of the solution is O(n) due to the string concatenation operation.”

11. Can you explain the three different approaches to implementing row versioning?

This question evaluates your knowledge of different row versioning approaches. It assesses your understanding of techniques to manage changes in database rows efficiently, which is a key aspect of data engineering at IBM.

How to Answer

Start by providing a brief overview of what row versioning is and its significance in data management. Explain the three approaches to row versioning. Discuss scenarios where each approach is most suitable based on factors like data volume, performance, and query requirements.


“Row versioning is crucial for maintaining historical records, and three main approaches exist. The first uses timestamp columns or change data capture, the second involves system-versioned tables or temporal tables, and the third employs triggers or application-managed versioning. The choice depends on factors like data volume, performance, and the complexity of historical queries, showcasing the versatility of row versioning in addressing various data engineering needs.”

12. Design a fast-food restaurant database. Write SQL queries to find the top three revenue items sold yesterday, as well as the percentage of customers ordering drinks with their meal.

This question evaluates your proficiency in writing complex queries to extract meaningful insights, a critical skill for a data engineer dealing with large datasets and deriving valuable information at IBM.

How to Answer

Start by designing a normalized database schema for a stand-alone fast food restaurant. Include tables for orders, items, customers, and any other relevant entities. Write a SQL query to find the top three highest revenue items sold yesterday. Then write an SQL query to find the percentage of customers that order drinks with their meal.


“To design the database, I would create tables for essential entities such as orders, items, and customers. These tables would be connected through appropriate relationships, for instance, associating orders with items and customers. The schema would be normalized to ensure data integrity. For the first query, I’d use a SQL query involving joins and aggregation. I’d connect the orders and items tables, filter orders from yesterday, calculate revenue for each item, and then sort the results to retrieve the top three items. For the second query, I’d utilize the orders table. I’d count the distinct customers who ordered drinks and calculate the percentage based on the total number of distinct customers.”

13. Can you explain the concept of feature engineering in machine learning, and how you would approach it to enhance model performance in a data engineering project?

As a Data Engineer at IBM, you’ll often work closely with machine learning teams to design and optimize data pipelines. This question tests your familiarity with ML concepts and your ability to contribute to the success of machine learning projects within the broader data engineering context.

How to Answer

While answering, start by providing a concise definition of feature engineering in the context of machine learning. Explain why feature engineering is essential for enhancing model performance. Discuss various methods and techniques you would employ for feature engineering.


Feature engineering in machine learning involves transforming raw data into a format that enhances the performance of machine learning models. As a data engineer, I would approach feature engineering by thoroughly understanding the dataset, identifying relevant features, and employing techniques such as normalization, encoding, and creation of new features. This aligns with my responsibility to structure and prepare data for effective use. By ensuring high-quality features, I contribute to the success of machine learning projects, facilitating the development of models that deliver meaningful insights and drive informed decision-making.”

14. You have access to a set of tables summarizing user event data for a community forum app. You’re asked to conduct a user journey analysis using this data with the eventual goal of improving the user interface. What kind of analysis would you conduct to recommend changes to the UI?

This question could be asked at an IBM data engineer interview to assess your ability to derive meaningful insights from user event data, then use that information to guide improvements in user interface design. It tests your analytical skills and understanding of data structures.

How to Answer

To answer this, begin by exploring the available user event data tables to understand the structure and contents of the dataset. Identify key fields, such as user actions, timestamps, and interaction details. Create a user journey map by analyzing sequences of user actions and interactions. Define relevant metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).


“In conducting a user journey analysis for the community forum app, I would start by exploring the event data tables to understand user actions and interactions. Creating a user journey map, defining relevant metrics, and identifying pain points in the user experience would be crucial. For instance, if the data reveals a significant drop-off after a certain action, it could indicate a potential UI issue, prompting targeted improvements to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.”

15. Write a Python script to automate the process of fetching data from a REST API, transforming it into a structured format, and storing it in a database.

This question assesses your proficiency in using Python for data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL). It evaluates your ability to design efficient and scalable scripts for automating these processes, aligning with the data engineering responsibilities at IBM.

How to Answer

Start by importing relevant Python libraries for handling REST API requests, data transformation, and database interaction. Demonstrate how to fetch data from the REST API. Illustrate the process of transforming the raw data into a structured format suitable for storage in a database. Show how to establish a connection to the database and store the transformed data.


“To automate the data flow from a REST API to a database using Python, I’d start by utilizing the requests library to fetch data. After receiving the data, I’d apply the json_normalize function in pandas to structure it efficiently. For database interaction, I’d create a connection using the create_engine function from sqlalchemy and then use Pandas’ to_sql method to store the transformed data in the database. To enhance reliability, I’d implement error handling and consider pagination for large datasets.”

16. Given an ‘employees’ and ‘departments’ table, select the top three departments with at least ten employees and rank them according to the percentage of their employees making over 100K in salary.

This question assesses your SQL skills and ability to perform complex data analysis, a crucial aspect of data engineering. At IBM interviews, you can be asked this to evaluate your proficiency in extracting meaningful insights from relational databases, fundamental for developing data-driven solutions.

How to Answer

Write an SQL query that selects the top three departments meeting the specified criteria. Use the COUNT function to ensure each department has at least ten employees and calculate the percentage of employees earning over 100. Utilize the ORDER BY clause to arrange the departments based on the calculated percentage in descending order. To get the top three, consider using the LIMIT or FETCH FIRST clause, depending on the specific SQL dialect.


“I would start by writing a SQL query to select the department_id and calculate the percentage of employees making over 100K using the AVG function with a conditional statement. To ensure each department has at least ten employees, I’d include a HAVING clause. Then, I’d use the ORDER BY clause to rank the departments based on the calculated percentage in descending order. Finally, I’d limit the results to the top three departments using the LIMIT clause.”

17. In the context of hypothesis testing, what are type I errors (type one errors) and type II errors (type two errors)? What is the difference between the two?

This question is asked in a data engineer interview at IBM as it assesses your understanding of statistical concepts and their implications in data analysis. An interviewer may want to ensure that you comprehend the impact of Type I and Type II errors in the context of hypothesis testing.

How to Answer

To answer this question, start by defining Type I and Type II errors. Also provide real-world examples to illustrate each type of error. Discuss the trade-off between Type I and Type II errors. Emphasize that reducing the risk of one type of error often increases the risk of the other.


“In hypothesis testing, a Type I error occurs when we incorrectly reject a true null hypothesis. For instance, if we declare a drug effective when it has no actual impact. On the other hand, a Type II error happens when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis, like deeming an effective drug as ineffective. The trade-off between Type I and Type II errors is controlled by the significance level (alpha), and adjusting it impacts the likelihood of each error.”

18. Let’s say you have to draw two cards from a shuffled deck, one at a time. What’s the probability that the second card is not an Ace?

Since data engineers often work with statistical methods and probabilities when designing algorithms, analyzing data, or implementing machine learning models. This question can be asked during IBM interviews to assess your understanding of basic probability concepts.

How to Answer

To answer this, explain the application of the complement rule, stating that the probability of an event happening is equal to 1 minus the probability of the event not happening. Calculate the probability of drawing an Ace on the first draw, and then use the complement rule to find the probability of not drawing an Ace on the second draw.


In the scenario of drawing two cards from a shuffled deck one at a time, I would first calculate the probability of drawing an Ace on the first draw, denoted as P(Ace). Recognizing that the probability of the second card not being an Ace is contingent on the outcome of the first draw, I would then apply the complement rule by subtracting P(Ace) from 1. Considering the remaining deck after the first draw, if the initial card is not an Ace, the probability of the second card not being an Ace would be the ratio of non-Ace cards to the total remaining cards.”

19. Write a function calculate_rmse to calculate the root mean squared error of a regression model. The function should take in two lists, one that represents the predictions y_pred and another with the target values y_true.

This question is likely to be asked in an IBM data engineer interview to assess your coding skills, understanding of regression evaluation metrics, and ability to create a reusable function.

How to Answer

To answer this, start by explaining what RMSE is. Write a function that takes in two lists, representing predicted and target values, respectively. Calculate the squared differences between each corresponding pair of predicted and true values, then find the mean of these squared differences. Finally, take the square root of the mean to get the RMSE.


“I would create a Python function named calculate_rmse to compute the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of a regression model. The function would take in two lists, y_pred and y_true, representing the predicted and actual values, respectively. To implement this, I’d first ensure that both lists have the same length. Then, I would iterate through each pair of corresponding predicted and true values, calculate the squared differences, and store them in a list. Afterward, I’d find the mean of these squared differences using the NumPy library. Finally, I’d take the square root of the mean to obtain the RMSE value. The function would be designed to return this computed RMSE.”

20. Let’s say you have a categorical variable with thousands of distinct values, how would you encode it?

This question could be asked at an IBM data engineer interview to assess your knowledge of data preprocessing and encoding techniques, which are essential skills for handling diverse data types in machine learning and data analysis projects.

How to Answer

Start by acknowledging the challenge of dealing with a categorical variable with thousands of distinct values. Suggest the use of target encoding, which involves replacing each category with the mean of the target variable for that category. Discuss the option of frequency encoding, where each category is replaced with the frequency of its occurrence in the dataset.


If confronted with a categorical variable boasting thousands of distinct values, I would consider the challenges associated with conventional one-hot encoding, given the resulting high dimensionality. To tackle this, I would explore the option of target encoding. In this method, each category is replaced with the mean of the target variable for that category, effectively capturing the nuanced relationships between the categorical variable and the target. This proves beneficial in scenarios where maintaining a balance between informative encoding and dimensionality reduction is crucial. Alternatively, I might consider frequency encoding, a technique where each category is substituted with its frequency in the dataset.”

How to Prepare for a Data Engineer Interview at IBM

A combination of technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication can set you apart in a data engineer interview at IBM. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the interview:

Understand the Role and Company

Carefully read the job description to identify the key skills and requirements. Tailor your resume to align with the specific aspects IBM is looking for in a data engineer.

Research IBM’s recent projects, initiatives, and technology stack. Familiarize yourself with IBM’s cloud and data services, such as IBM Cloud Pak for Data, Db2, and IBM DataStage. Understand how your role as a data engineer fits into IBM’s broader goals and strategies.

After getting familiar with the tech stack, you can check our Learning Path for Data Engineering to learn about how to tackle the interview challenges.

Practice Core Data Engineering Concepts

Brush up on fundamental data engineering concepts, including data modeling, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data warehousing, and database management. Practice writing efficient queries and be ready to discuss database normalization and denormalization. Also practice coding in languages like Python or Java, and be ready to explain your code and reasoning.

To practice data engineering concepts and coding questions check out our Interview Questions.

Showcase Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Develop your problem-solving skills through practice scenarios and technical challenges. Be prepared to discuss your thought process and decision-making in solving data-related problems. Showcase your ability to optimize and enhance existing data processes for better efficiency.

Consider practicing our challenges for Data Engineering containing SQL, database design and architecture, and data modeling fundamentals to enhance your problem solving skills.

Showcase Data Modelling Skills

Understand data modeling techniques, such as ER (Entity-Relationship) diagrams. Be prepared to discuss how you would approach designing a database schema for a given scenario.

Try our Takehome feature to practice solving longer problems in a step by step manner with notebooks from different companies.

Prepare for Behavioral Questions

Be well prepared for behavioral interview questions that assess your problem-solving approach, teamwork, and adaptability. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses.

Learn more about the insights shared by candidates who’ve navigated through the interview processes of various tech companies at our Interview Experiences section.

Continuous Learning and Mock Interviews

The rapidly evolving landscape of data engineering demands a commitment to continuous learning. Stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies in data engineering.

Practice mock interviews online or with a friend. This helps improve your communication skills and builds confidence.


What is the Average Salary for a Data Engineer Role at IBM?


Average Base Salary


Average Total Compensation

Min: $63K
Max: $116K
Base Salary
Median: $79K
Mean (Average): $84K
Data points: 373
Min: $16K
Max: $182K
Total Compensation
Median: $94K
Mean (Average): $96K
Data points: 17

View the full Data Engineer at Ibm salary guide

The average base salary for a Data Engineer at IBM is $83,815. Adjusting the average for more recent salary data points, the average recency-weighted base salary is $84,155.

Check out IBM Salaries by Position to find more about the salaries for different positions at IBM.

Apart from IBM, Which Companies Can I Apply to as a Data Engineer?

As a data engineer, there are numerous tech companies actively seeking professionals with your skill set. Some notable companies you can consider applying to, apart from IBM, include Netflix, Airbnb, Palantir and Amazon.

Check out our Company Interview Guides to know more about Data Engineer role at different Tech companies.

Are there any Job Postings about the IBM Data Engineer Role here at Interview Query?

Yes, there are. Currently, there are open position for the Data Engineer role at IBM. Visit our job board now to explore the latest openings for IBM Data Engineer positions.


At Interview Query, we aim to provide you with not just insights, but a comprehensive toolkit for success in your Interviews.

Additionally, don’t forget to check out the main IBM Interview Guide for other data-related roles such as Data Analyst, Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, and Software Engineer at IBM. This guide offers overarching tips and strategies to enhance your overall interview preparation.

In conclusion, focusing on these areas will help you prepare for IBM data engineer interview questions, enabling you to confidently showcase your skills, knowledge, and passion.

With grit, perseverance, determination, and a little help from this guide, your success at IBM will be well within reach.