Interview Query
2025 Guide: 23 Data Science Case Study Interview Questions (with Solutions)

2025 Guide: 23 Data Science Case Study Interview Questions (with Solutions)


Case studies are often the most challenging aspect of data science interview processes. They are crafted to resemble a company’s existing or previous projects, assessing a candidate’s ability to tackle prompts, convey their insights, and navigate obstacles.

Practice is crucial to excel in data science case study interviews. It will enable you to develop strategies for approaching case studies, asking the right questions to your interviewer, and providing responses that showcase your skills while adhering to time constraints.

The best way of doing this is by using a framework for answering case studies. For example, you could use the product metrics framework and the A/B testing framework to answer most case studies that come up in data science interviews.

There are four main types of data science case studies:

  • Product Case Studies - This type of case study tackles a specific product or feature offering, often tied to the interviewing company. Interviewers generally seek a sense of business geared towards product metrics.
  • Data Analytics Case Study Questions - Data analytics case studies ask you to propose possible metrics to investigate an analytics problem. Additionally, you must write an SQL query to pull your proposed metrics and then perform an analysis using the data you queried, just as you would in the role.
  • Modeling and Machine Learning Case Studies - Modeling case studies are more varied and focus on assessing your intuition for building models around business problems.
  • Business Case Questions - Similar to product questions, business cases tackle issues or opportunities specific to the organization that is interviewing you. Often, candidates must assess the best option for a certain business plan being proposed and formulate a process for solving the specific problem.

How Case Study Interviews Are Conducted

As an interviewee, you often want to know the setting and format in which to expect the above questions to be asked. Unfortunately, this is company-specific: Some prefer real-time settings, where candidates actively work through a prompt after receiving it, while others offer some period of days (say, a week) before settling in for a presentation of your findings.

It is, therefore, important to have a system for answering these questions that will accommodate all possible formats so that you are prepared for any set of circumstances (we provide such a framework below).

Why Are Case Study Questions Asked?

Case studies assess your thought process when answering data science questions. Specifically, interviewers want to see that you have the ability to think on your feet and to work through real-world problems that likely do not have a right or wrong answer. Real-world case studies that are affecting businesses are not binary; there is no black-and-white, yes-or-no answer. This is why it is important that you demonstrate decisiveness in your investigations and show your capacity to consider impacts and topics from various angles. Once you are in the role, you will deal directly with the ambiguity at the heart of decision-making.

Perhaps most importantly, case interviews assess your ability to effectively communicate your conclusions. On the job, data scientists exchange information across teams and divisions, so a significant part of the interviewer’s focus will be on how you process and explain your answer.

Quick tip: Because case questions in data science interviews tend to be product- and company-focused, it is extremely beneficial to research current projects and developments across different divisions as these initiatives might end up as the case study topic.

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How to Answer Data Science Case Study Questions (The Framework)

There are four main steps to tackling case questions in Data Science interviews, regardless of the type: clarify, make assumptions, gather context, and provide data points and analysis.

Step 1: Clarify

Clarifying is used to gather more information. More often than not, these case studies are designed to be confusing and vague. There will be unorganized data intentionally supplemented with extraneous or omitted information, so the candidate must dig deeper, filter out bad information, and fill gaps. Interviewers will observe how an applicant asks questions and reaches their solution.

For example, with a product question, you might take into consideration:

  • What is the product?
  • How does the product work?
  • How does the product align with the business itself?

Step 2: Make Assumptions

When you have made sure that you have evaluated and understood the dataset, start investigating and discarding possible hypotheses. Developing insights on the product at this stage complements your ability to glean information from the dataset, and exploring your ideas is paramount to forming a successful hypothesis.

You should communicate your hypotheses with the interviewer so they can provide clarifying remarks on how the business views the product and to help you discard unworkable lines of inquiry.

If we continue to think about a product question, some important questions to evaluate and draw conclusions from include:

  • Who uses the product? Why?
  • What are the goals of the product?
  • How does the product interact with other services or goods the company offers?

The goal of this is to reduce the scope of the problem at hand and ask the interviewer questions upfront that allow you to tackle the meat of the problem instead of focusing on less consequential edge cases.

Step 3: Propose a Solution

Now that a hypothesis has been formed that incorporates the dataset and an understanding of the business-related context, it is time to apply that knowledge to form a solution. Remember, the hypothesis is simply a refined version of the problem that uses the data on hand as its basis for being solved. The solution you create can target this narrow problem, and you can have full faith that it addresses the core of the case study question.

Keep in mind that there isn’t a single expected solution, and as such, there is a certain freedom here to determine the exact path for investigation.

Step 4: Provide Data Points and Analysis

Finally, providing data points and analysis supporting your solution involves choosing and prioritizing a main metric. As with all prior factors, this step must be tied back to the hypothesis and the main goal of the problem. From that foundation, it is important to trace through and analyze different examples– from the main metric–to validate the hypothesis.

Quick tip: Every case question tends to have multiple solutions. Therefore, you should absolutely consider and communicate any potential trade-offs of your chosen method. Be sure you are communicating the pros and cons of your approach.

Note: In some special cases, solutions will also be assessed on the ability to convey information in layman’s terms. Regardless of the structure, applicants should always be prepared to solve the problem through the framework outlined above to answer the prompt.

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The Role of Effective Communication

There have been multiple articles and discussions conducted by interviewers behind the Data Science Case Study portion, and they all boil down success in case studies to one main factor: effective communication.

All the analysis in the world will not help if interviewees cannot verbally work through and highlight their thought processes within the case study. Again, interviewers are keyed in at this stage of the hiring process to look for well-developed “soft skills” and problem-solving capabilities. Demonstrating those traits is key to succeeding in this round.

To this end, the best advice possible would be to practice actively going through example case studies, such as those available in the Interview Query questions bank. Exploring different topics with a friend in an interview-like setting with cold recall (no Googling in between!) will be uncomfortable and awkward, but it will also help reveal weaknesses in fleshing out the investigation.

Don’t worry if the first few times are terrible! Developing a rhythm will help you gain self-confidence as you become better at assessing and learning through these sessions.

Finding the right data science talent for case studies?’s AI-driven platform streamlines this by pinpointing candidates who excel in real-world scenarios. Discover how they can help you match with top problem-solvers.

Product Case Study Questions

Product Case Study

With product data science case questions, the interviewer wants to understand your product sense intuition. Specifically, these questions assess your ability to identify which metrics should be proposed to understand a product.

1. How would you measure the success of private stories on Instagram, where only certain close friends can see the story?

Start by answering the following questions: What is the goal of the private story feature on Instagram? You can’t evaluate “success” without knowing the product’s initial objective, to begin with.

One specific goal of this feature would be to drive engagement. A private story could potentially increase interactions between users and grow awareness of the feature.

Now, what types of metrics might you propose to assess user engagement? For a high-level overview, we could look at:

  • Average stories per user per day
  • Average Close Friends stories per user per day

However, we would also want to bucket our users further to see the effect of Close Friends stories on user engagement. By bucketing users by age, date joined, or another metric, we could see how engagement is affected within certain populations, giving us insight into the success that could be lost if looking at the overall population.

2. How would you measure the success of acquiring new users through a 30-day free trial at Netflix?

More context: Netflix offers a promotion where users can enroll in a 30-day free trial. After 30 days, customers will automatically be charged based on their selected package. How would you measure acquisition success, and what metrics would you propose to measure the success of the free trial?

One way we can frame the concept specifically to this problem is to think about controllable inputs, external drivers, and then the observable output. Start with the major goals of Netflix:

Looking at acquisition output metrics specifically, there are several top-level stats that we can look at, including:

  • Conversion rate percentage
  • Cost per free trial acquisition
  • Daily conversion rate

With these conversion metrics, we would also want to bucket users by cohort. This would help us see the percentage of free users who were acquired, as well as retention by cohort.

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3. How would you measure the success of Facebook Groups?

Start by considering the key function of Facebook Groups. You could say that Groups are a way for users to connect with other users through a shared interest or real-life relationship. Therefore, the user’s goal is to experience a sense of community, driving our business goal of increasing user engagement.

What general engagement metrics can we associate with this value? An objective metric like Groups monthly active users would help us see if Facebook Groups user base is increasing or decreasing. Plus, we could monitor metrics like posting, commenting, and sharing rates.

There are other products that Groups impact, specifically the Newsfeed. We need to consider Newsfeed quality and examine if updates from Groups clog up the content pipeline and if users prioritize those updates over other Newsfeed items. This evaluation will give us a better sense of whether Groups actually contribute to higher engagement levels.

4. How would you analyze the effectiveness of a new LinkedIn chat feature that shows a “green dot” for active users?

Note: Given engineering constraints, the new feature is impossible to A/B test before release.
When you approach case study questions, remember to clarify any vague terms. In this case, “effectiveness” is very vague. To help you define that term, you would first want to consider the goal of adding a green dot to LinkedIn chat.

See a full solution for this question on YouTube: Data Science Product Case Study (LinkedIn InMail, Facebook Chat)

5. How would you diagnose why weekly active users are up 5%, but email notification open rates are down 2%?

What assumptions can you make about the relationship between weekly active users and email open rates? With a case question like this, you would want to first answer that line of inquiry before proceeding.

Hint: The open rate can decrease when its numerator decreases (fewer people open emails) or its denominator increases (more emails are sent overall). Considering these two factors, what are some hypotheses we can make about our decrease in the open rate compared to our increase in weekly active users?

6. Let’s say you’re working on Facebook Groups. A product manager decides to add threading to comments on group posts. We see that the number of comments per user increased by 10%, but posts went down by 2%. Why would that be?

To approach this question, consider the impact of threading on user behavior and engagement. Analyze how threading changes the way users interact with posts and comments. Identify relevant metrics such as the number of comments per post, new post frequency, user engagement, and duplicate posts to test your hypotheses about these behavioral changes.

Data Analytics Case Study Questions

Data analytics case studies ask you to dive into analytics problems. Typically, these questions ask you to examine metrics trade-offs or investigate changes in metrics. In addition to proposing metrics, you also have to write SQL queries to generate them, which is why they are sometimes referred to as SQL case study questions.

7. Using the provided data, generate specific recommendations on how DoorDash can improve.

In this DoorDash analytics case study take-home question, you are provided with the following dataset:

  • Customer order time
  • Restaurant order time
  • Driver arrives at restaurant on time
  • Order delivery time
  • Driver ID
  • Customer ID
  • Amount of discount
  • Amount of tip

With a dataset like this, you can make numerous recommendations. Thinking about the DoorDash marketplace, which includes drivers, riders, and merchants, is a good place to start. How could you analyze the data to increase revenue, driver/user retention, and engagement in that marketplace?

8. After implementing a notification change, the total number of unsubscribes increases. Write an SQL query to show how unsubscribes affect login rates over time.

This is a Twitter data science interview question, and let’s say you implemented this new feature using an A/B test. You are provided with two tables: events (which include login, no login and unsubscribe) and variants (which include control or variant).

We are tasked with comparing multiple different variables at play here. There is the new notification system and its effect of creating more unsubscribes. We can also see how login rates compare for unsubscribes for each bucket of the A/B test.

Given that we want to measure two different changes, we know we have to use GROUP BY for the date and bucket variant variables. What comes next?

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9. Write a query to disprove the hypothesis: Data scientists who switch jobs more often get promoted faster.

More context: You are provided with a table of user experiences representing each person’s past work experiences and timelines.

This question requires a bit of creative problem-solving to understand how we can prove or disprove the hypothesis. The hypothesis is that a data scientist who ends up switching jobs more often gets promoted faster.

Therefore, in analyzing this dataset, we can prove this hypothesis by separating the data scientists into specific segments based on how often they jump into their careers.

For example, if we looked at the number of job switches for data scientists who have been in their field for five years, we could prove the hypothesis that the number of data science managers increased as the number of career jumps also rose.

  • Never switched jobs: 10% are managers
  • Switched jobs once: 20% are managers
  • Switched jobs twice: 30% are managers
  • Switched jobs three times: 40% are managers

10. Write a SQL query to investigate the hypothesis: Click-through rate is dependent on search result rating.

More context: You are given a table with search results on Facebook, which includes query (search term), position (the search position), and rating (human rating from 1 to 5). Each row represents a single search and includes a column has_clicked that represents whether a user clicked or not.

This question requires us to do two things formulaically: create a metric that can analyze a problem that we face and then actually compute that metric.

Consider the data we want to display to prove or disprove the hypothesis. Our output metric is CTR (clickthrough rate). If CTR is high when search result ratings are high, and CTR is low when the search result ratings are low, then our hypothesis is proven. However, if the opposite is true, CTR is low when the search result ratings are high, or there is no proven correlation between the two, our hypothesis is not proven.

With that structure in mind, we can look at the results split into different search rating buckets. If we measure the CTR for queries that all have results rated at 1 and then measure CTR for queries with results rated at lower than 2, etc., we can measure to see if the increase in rating correlates with an increase in CTR.

11. How would you help a supermarket chain determine which product categories should be prioritized in their inventory restructuring efforts?

You’re working as a data scientist on a local grocery chain’s data science team. The business team has decided to allocate store floor space by product category (e.g., electronics, sports and travel, food and beverages). Help the team understand which product categories to prioritize and answer questions such as how customer demographics affect sales, and how each city’s sales per product category differs.

Check out our Data Analytics Learning Path.

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12. Write a SQL query to select the 2nd highest salary in the engineering department.

Note: If more than one person shares the highest salary, the query should select the next highest salary.

When asked for the “2nd highest” value, focus on getting a singular value. Filter the data to include only relevant entries (e.g., engineering salaries), order the results, and use LIMIT and OFFSET to isolate the value. First, limit to the top two distinct salaries and select the second, or use OFFSET to skip the highest and get the second highest.

Modeling and Machine Learning Case Questions

Machine learning case study interview questions assess your ability to build models to solve business problems. These questions can range from applying machine learning to solve a specific case scenario to assessing the validity of a hypothetical existing model. The modeling case study requires a candidate to evaluate and explain any certain part of the model-building process.

13. Describe how you would build a model to predict Uber ETAs after a rider requests a ride.

Common machine learning case study problems like this are designed to explain how you would build a model. Many times this can be scoped down to specific parts of the model building process. Examining the example above, we could break it up into:

How would you evaluate the predictions of an Uber ETA model?


What features would you use to predict the Uber ETA for ride requests?

Our recommended framework breaks down a modeling and machine learning case study to individual steps in order to tackle each one thoroughly. In each full modeling case study, you will want to go over:

  • Data processing
  • Feature Selection
  • Model Selection
  • Cross Validation
  • Evaluation Metrics
  • Testing and Roll Out

14. How would you build a model that sends bank customers a text message when fraudulent transactions are detected?

Additionally, the customer can approve or deny the transaction via text response.

Let’s start by understanding what kind of model needs to be built. Since we are working with fraud, we know there has to be a case where either a fraudulent transaction is or is not present.

Hint: This problem is a binary classification problem. Given the problem scenario, what considerations do we have to consider when building this model? What would the bank fraud data look like?

15. How would you design the inputs and outputs for a model that detects potential bombs at a border crossing?

Additional questions. How would you test the model and measure its accuracy? Remember the equation for precision:


Because we can not have high TrueNegatives, recall should be high when assessing the model.

16. Which model would you choose to predict Airbnb booking prices: Linear regression or random forest regression?

Start by answering this question: What are the main differences between linear regression and random forest?

Random forest regression is based on the ensemble machine learning technique of bagging. The two key concepts of random forests are:

  • Random sampling of training observations when building trees.
  • Random subsets of features for splitting nodes.

Random forest regressions also discretize continuous variables since they are based on decision trees and can split categorical and continuous variables.

Linear regression, on the other hand, is the standard regression technique in which relationships are modeled using a linear predictor function, the most common example represented as y = Ax + B.

Let’s see how each model is applicable to Airbnb’s bookings. One thing we need to do in the interview is to understand more context around the problem of predicting bookings. To do so, we need to understand which features are present in our dataset.

We can assume the dataset will have features like:

  • Location features.
  • Seasonality.
  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
  • Private room, shared, entire home, etc.
  • External demand (conferences, festivals, sporting events).

Which model would be the best fit for this feature set?

17. Using a binary classification model that pre-approves candidates for a loan, how would you give each rejected application a rejection reason?

More context: You cannot access the feature weights. Start by thinking about the problem like this: How would the problem change if we had ten, one thousand, or ten thousand applicants who had gone through the loan qualification program?

Pretend that we have three people, Alice, Bob, and Candace, who have all applied for a loan. Simplifying the financial lending loan model, let us assume the only features are the total number of credit cards, the dollar amount of current debt, and credit age. Here is a scenario:

  • Alice: 10 credit cards, 5 years of credit age, $\$20K$ in debt

  • Bob: 10 credit cards, 5 years of credit age, $\$15K$ in debt

  • Candace: 10 credit cards, 5 years of credit age, $\$10K$ in debt

If Candace is approved, we can logically point to the fact that Candace’s $\$10K$ in debt swung the model to approve her for a loan. How did we reason this out?

If the sample size analyzed was instead thousands of people who had the same number of credit cards and credit age with varying levels of debt, we could figure out the model’s average loan acceptance rate for each numerical amount of current debt. Then, we could plot these on a graph to model the y-value (average loan acceptance) versus the x-value (dollar amount of current debt). These graphs are called partial dependence plots.

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Business Case Questions

In data science interviews, business case study questions task you with addressing problems as they relate to the business. You might be asked about topics like estimation and calculation and applying problem-solving to a larger case. One tip: Be sure to read up on the company’s products and ventures before your interview to expose yourself to possible topics.

18. How would you estimate the average lifetime value of customers at a business that has existed for just over one year?

More context: You know that the product costs $\$100$ per month, averages 10% in monthly churn, and the average customer stays for 3.5 months.

Remember that lifetime value is defined by predicting the net revenue attributed to the entire future relationship with all customers averaged. Therefore, $\$100$ * 3.5 = $\$350$… But is it that simple?

Because this company is so new, our average customer length (3.5 months) is biased from the short possible length of time that anyone could have been a customer (one-year maximum). How would you model LTV using the churn rate and product cost?

19. How would you go about removing duplicate product names (e.g., iPhone X vs. Apple iPhone 10) in a massive database?

See the full solution for this Amazon business case question on YouTube:

20. What metrics would you monitor to know if a 50% discount promotion is good for a ride-sharing company?

This question has no correct answer and is rather designed to test your reasoning and communication skills related to product/business cases. First, start by stating your assumptions. What are the goals of this promotion? The goal of the discount likely is to grow revenue and increase retention. A few other assumptions you might make include:

  • The promotion will be applied uniformly across all users.
  • The 50% discount can only be used for a single ride.

How would we be able to evaluate this pricing strategy? An A/B test between the control group (no discount) and test group (discount) would allow us to evaluate Long-term revenue vs average promotion cost. Using these two metrics, how could we measure if the promotion is a good idea?

21. A bank wants to create a new partner card, e.g., Whole Foods Chase credit card). How would you determine what the next partner card should be?

More context: Say you can access all customer spending data. With this question, there are several approaches you can take. As your first step, think about the business reason for credit card partnerships: they help increase acquisition and customer retention.

One of the simplest solutions would be to sum all transactions grouped by merchants. This would identify the merchants who see the highest spending amounts. However, the one issue might be that some merchants have a high-spend value but low volume. How could we counteract this potential pitfall? Is the volume of transactions even an important factor in our credit card business? The more questions you ask, the more may spring to mind.

22. How would you assess the value of keeping a TV show on a streaming platform like Netflix?

Netflix is working on a deal to renew the streaming rights for a show like The Office, which has been on Netflix for one year. Your job is to value the benefit of keeping the show on Netflix.

Start by trying to understand the reasons why Netflix would want to renew the show. Netflix mainly has three goals for what their content should help achieve:

  • Acquisition: To increase the number of subscribers.
  • Retention: To increase the retention of active subscribers and keep them on as paying members.
  • Revenue: To increase overall revenue.

One solution to value the benefit would be to estimate a lower and upper bound to understand the percentage of users that would be affected by The Office being removed. You could then run these percentages against your known acquisition and retention rates.

23. How would you determine which products are to be put on sale?

Let’s say you work at Amazon. It’s nearing Black Friday, and you are tasked with determining which products should be put on sale. You have access to historical pricing and purchasing data from items that have been on sale before. How would you determine what products should go on sale to best maximize profit during Black Friday?

To start with this question, aggregate data from previous years for products that have been on sale during Black Friday or similar events. You can then compare elements such as historical sales volume, inventory levels, and profit margins.

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Learn More About Feature Changes

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More Data Science Interview Resources

Case studies are one of the most common types of data science interview questions. Practice with the data science course from Interview Query, which includes product and machine learning modules.